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Old 20-03-2005, 06:04 PM   #11
Abandonia Homie

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Yeah, that and often, I don't think when I type.

Don't know how that works sometimes, but hey, whatever
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Old 20-03-2005, 07:22 PM   #12
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yeh ive travveled down stream to the suspension bridge, followed the path southeast. and theres a mine door with one worker outside, ive explored all teh caves, seen the queen, and i cant find the poachers ne were. its really irritating.
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Old 21-03-2005, 12:27 PM   #13
Abandonia nerd

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Ack, might be the glitch where they dont show up. I'll have to find the console commands to make them show up for you.
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Old 21-03-2005, 12:50 PM   #14
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I got this game for over a year, and I never played it. (did I miss something? )

Can you guys write your overall expiriance with this game? Have you finished the game, and how long took you to do it?

Also what race/customs are you choosing for your character, and what are adventages and disadventages.
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Old 21-03-2005, 01:12 PM   #15
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I like to do a custom version of the spellsword. As for finishing it...
yea...nowhere close...
I am level 36 though.
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Old 21-03-2005, 01:18 PM   #16
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Originally posted by Anubis@Mar 21 2005, 01:50 PM
I got this game for over a year, and I never played it. (did I miss something? )

I think it's a fun game. It's a first-person, single-character RPG, with a very attractive graphical environment. There are plenty of quests and literally hundreds of locations to visit--and you can visit them in a non-linear fashion, completely ignoring the main game plot, if you so choose. You can enchant items, and build your character any way you want.

On the PC, it's also eminently moddable. There are 4000+ mods available: extra quests, new races, new areas, new weapons and armor, character homes, extra RPG depth (new activities that involve you with the world), game tweaks to make the environment more difficult or easier, etc. Unlike NWN, you can run multiple mods simultaneously. The limit is 255. I've currently got 208 going.

The game's main weakness is its dialog system. There are plenty of generic subjects and responses, and 1000+ NPCs have many of them. The economy is broken: it's far too easy to make millions very quickly. The inventory is plain ugly and doesn't use containers (unlike, say, the Baldur's Gate series), and the quest journal system is poor. That said, there *is* a mod that allows you to make books in the game, and another that allows you to add entries to your journal. These help.
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Old 21-03-2005, 01:50 PM   #17
Forum hobbit

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A review with our experiences, preferences and over all thoughts on Morrowind? Thats quite a tall order. But since I'm sitting here with two broken ribs and not much else to do, I will indulge you (and myself).

I have finished Morrowind and the Expansions Tribunal and Bloodmoon. I initially started with a Redguard specializing in a couple kinds of swords and things. The game does start slow. Very slow. For people used to linear games with a good pacing it probably would feel overwelming. Truthfully, I really like an open ended sandbox feel for a game, but not everyone does.

Anyways, the combat overall is pretty weak. It gives the appearence of being action based, but is instead almost entirely stat based. Since combat is the main feature and problem solving method in the game, the fact that it feels awkward and ineffectual to me is a major stumbling block.

Another major stumbling bock is, despite the open ended nature of the game, there isn't actually a lot to do. The lands you wander are mostly empty, the NPCs you meet are almost all the same, and the conversations with them consist mostly of clicking through long blocks of text being entirely unable to respond except by clicking on highlighted links in the text that lead to other long blocks. The only statements you ever really make consist mostly of "Yes" or "No". This really bugged me. Every NPC has mostly the same text to give you, and are treated mostly like dictionaries. You must also be sure to click through every link as you might otherwise miss a quest some random block of text might give you.

Speaking of missing quests, the Journal system is horrible. It doesn't help you organize anything. Its confusing and you can very easily miss important details (for example, that you have finished or started a quest).

The leveling system is interesting, but easily abused. I liked some of the ideas of it, although the flaws tended to really bug me. Overall not so bad if you have the ability to prevent yourself from hopping all over the world like a bunny in platemail.

The customization features are really good. Everything you wear or use is represented in game, which is really nice to see. I'm not one to be impressed by graphics, but this aspect was one of my favorites in the game. I wish more games of this nature could do the same.

Anyways, after putting about 8 hours into the game with my first character, I decided I just didn't like the way my character was shaping up and decided to start over.

I restarted as an Imperial with less combat oriented skills. The going was A LOT harder and more frustrating. I spent hours building up my skills, only to find many of them are pretty useless. However I refused to start over again and continued on. I very quickly grew tired of the quests being issued by the various guilds. Most were very boring and of little interest. I also explored on my own as much as possible. At first this was fairly interesting, but I soon realized there wasn't very much out there for me to explore. Yes there was a lot of space, but there was little actual content to that space. And again, it always seemed to come back to the NPCs. They were just cardboard cutouts with some person off stage shouting lines to me. Horrible.

I finished the main quests and continued on to the Tribunal quests after some assassin attacks. This was pretty boring straight forward hack and slash. Since my character was by now very well armed and skilled in combat (By neccessity, it was entirely unviable to use other skills) I didn't have too much problems.

Bloodmoon was much better. Figuring out how to get to the Island was a pain for me, but once I got there I began to really have fun. It was how the rest of the game really should have been. Character interaction seemed alot better, influencing the island's population was great and it felt like I was having an impact on the game world there. It also had several interesting stories going on at once, which I liked. There were some flaws of course, the NPCs still seemed stiff, but it felt better. I had also taken a break from the game before this part, so maybe that influenced my feelings.

Overall I would say that, I don't particularly like Morrowind. Its not so bad to me, but its really not that good until the very end. To me, the high level end content doesn't make up for hours and hours spent before. I put maybe 40 hours into the game over the course of almost two months. Most people who don't like it give up long before that, and I only continued because I am compelled to finish all my games.

As a note, like a couple people mentioned, there are a great deal of mods now available that add a lot of content to the game. However they don't fix the boring and lifeless NPCs. The only one I saw that was interesting in this regard added a romance story (not for the Player character) to Seyda Neen. This was interesting and fun, but thats all it added. Wandering merchants and random bandit attacks also helped, but I never got over the feeling of an empty sandbox. I said earlier I like a sandbox feel to a game, but it needs to have some fun toys and maybe other children playing in it. This one just feels empty to me.

If you do play, I suggest you stick with it for longer then a couple of hours if you don't like it at first. You really don't get a good feel for the game until further in.
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Old 21-03-2005, 07:22 PM   #18
Abandonia Homie

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Morrowind offers you more freedom than any other singleplayer game(except daggerfall and Arena and well.... few others LOL ). But the fact it that Morrowind can become boring very quickly if it doesnt fit you. It has excellent story, and subquests are also quite good, but NPC inferance really isnt very good.Thing I hated in Morrowind most is magic.They really werent able to balance fighting/casting... Magic skills train REALLY slow and spells are often too weak.When I played as mage I catch myself to using ebony staff instead of my spells,well becouse it was simply more powerful :blink:
Alos melee combat is quite dully too(but marksman is really fun )The really cool thing is that almost every item you equip is visible on your character,myself I often use less quality armors just becouse they look so cool
I dont know if this was a positive reply,but overall I enjoyed this game.just try it is better to see it once then hear about it hundred times.... k:
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Old 21-03-2005, 07:25 PM   #19
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Magic is often a giant pain to use as well. Spells cannot be changed quickly enough, and there aren't any hotkeys! (At least, not enough :whistle: )

Now Diablo, there is a game with a good magic system. I mean Diablo 1, not two. The game actually lest you set an efficient way to cast spells. We need more of that these days!
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Old 21-03-2005, 09:13 PM   #20
Home Sweet Abandonia

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Originally posted by Partizanka@Mar 21 2005, 02:50 PM
However they don't fix the boring and lifeless NPCs. The only one I saw that was interesting in this regard added a romance story (not for the Player character) to Seyda Neen.
Thats not true at all!
There is quite a big community effort to redo each and every city with unique dialogue options for everyone.

They recently even finished Ald Rhun (one of the biggest cities in the game) and now just about everybody there has tons of unique dialogue, interesting quests, an entirely new political spectrum inside the faction is visible.

I'll try and find the links to these mods, hold on
Less Generic NPC Homepage there, 8 popular towns have been redone already, and Ald Rhun is sure to keep you busy for some time.
pat b
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