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Old 19-01-2005, 12:26 AM   #141
Home Sweet Abandonia

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it was still awful...They put their beef flavoring in everything...even their mcnuggets and salads and apple pies...that's just weird!
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Old 19-01-2005, 02:43 AM   #142
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It's fun to see how much ppl "know" about the McEvilEmpire realy..

Well.. ppl have the right to think what they want

I just know what i know.. and it seems to differ some from what others know..
oh well......... Super Size Me was a good documentary about American food-culture, and shure, it reflects McD's part of it, but in an American way (duh).

Would be fun to see a Swedish version of it thou. I know it would look much different.
Overweight is a national problem in USA, mainly bc ppl are lazy.
Seems like walking to work is baned *L*

Either you are REALY skinny or you are overweight..

Well.. since i don't live there, i realy don't care, do i?
If they wanna eat themselves to death, shure. But don't be so freaking stupid to try and blame your own bad judgement (eg. sueing) on others.

OFCOURSE if you eat just junk/fast-food once/twice or more a day, you'r BOUND to get problems.. If you don't realize that.. something is VERRY wrong..

I've had a guy comming to me every day now for 3 years, always taking home 1 bigmac or simmulare, and he's in no way in any health-trouble.. since he owns a car-firm, and does alot of manual work.. same as me.. i've eaten atleast 1 meal, atleast 20 days of the month, for almost 5? year now @ McD... No problems here either... Because i burn/use the energy in the food, since i have an active work, and doesn't only watch TV in my spare-time...

I think that's the core issue here.. it's not what you eat.. it's how you live.. (ok.. Drinking 3 GALLONS of Cola every day is a good way to doom yourself, no matter what).. If you just watch TV, sits infront of the computer or something else where you DON'T use a larger ammount of energy, your body WILL store the energy as white fat below your skin.. The body doesn't have a "i got enough fat"-mode, but will just find new places to store it. Sometimes it's on the news here in Sweden how someone sues a fastfood-chain or something like that for theire overweight-problems...... always ended with, *duh* are they stupid or what? It's your own problem.. not anyone elses.. you CHOSE to eat what you did.. you CHOSE to NOT burn the energy you consumed.. you CHOSE to dissregard all the informartion avalible.. now... how could that be someone elses problem?

It's free enterprise.. ofcourse McD tried to lure in children with toys or other things.. but it's the parents responcibility to see to that it doesn't go to hell there.. if the parents can't say no to theire children, here is the solution; Shoot the parents on the spot, and then the same with the whining children.. (as you allready know, it's not to be taken as it's said there).

Everyone tries to blame others for theire own problems... when will ppl realize that putting the cat in the micro to dry it, killing the cat, is NOT the microwave-manufacturers problem? Or when you trie to sue the maker of a gun bc someone was killed with one of them?

Shure.. if a cars breaks fail in a large scale, that is something else... but we'r talking about humans free will.. Use you BRAIN.

About Globalization: I think it's good.. smaller world, larger exchange of culture, goods and thoughts..
In that way, McD is a good company.. when they first opend in Moscow, it payed theire emploees almost 5-10x when a state-emploee would earn.. Same in other countries.. When ppl complain they "only" pay 1$ / hr in some countries, you must concider the overall situation: the NORMAL wages may be around HALF that.. eg 50c / hr.. making the McD Emploees high-income.

Now.. i know someone is going to object to that.. shure.. be my guest.. it's only your thought.. just as much as these where mine

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Old 19-01-2005, 03:00 AM   #143
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Overweight is a national problem in USA, mainly bc ppl are lazy.
That is bullshit. The biggest problem of being overweight is eating habbits. Your body functions properly and tells you when you are hungry. However, the foods we eat satisfy our daily calorie intake before they satify our hunger. For example to meet the daily calorie requirements you need to eat something like half a pound of butter. However, you need to eat 9 pounds of carrots to meet the calories. Our food has so much fat and calories in it that we meet our daily requirements before we satisfy our hunger. You do not need to exercise to be thin. However, because we eat shitty foods we need to run a marathon everyday.

Also, there is more to Macdonalds then fat. The food is poisonous. The guy from super-size me had liver damage afterwards. When you fry high carbohydrate food it creates carcinogenic compounds and compounds that disrupt the brain function. The meat and dairy comes from animal concentration camps where animals breathe toxic air and are injected with muck. Cola creates a sugar spike and a insullin lag spike in the blood stressing the pancreas. It also creates free radicals that contribute to aging.

There is more to food than fat. Macdonalds is unhealthy on many levels. However, many people are unaware of this. You burn off the fat, let's see you burn off the Bovine Growth Hormone and the carcinogens.

Yes, people should have a choice of what to eat. I should also have the choice to mutilate my body by cutting off my fingers and then commit suicide. I should also be able to shoot up heroin. It's my body, I should have CHOICES.

To me macdonalds represents everything I hate. Exploiting animals and destroying the environment to make money and poison us. I hope Ronald Macdonald gets killed by a chainsaw and burns in hell.
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Old 19-01-2005, 03:07 AM   #144
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Originally posted by cheesegrater@Jan 19 2005, 05:00 AM
Yes, people should have a choice of what to eat. I should also have the choice to mutilate my body and kill myself.
And you do.. So i realy don't see what you are trying to say thou.

If you consider eating once at a KFC-resturant suecide, then just don't.
But no reason to whine about it, now is there?
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Old 19-01-2005, 03:29 AM   #145
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Eating macdonalds is like smoking cigarettes. Also I consider it unethical.
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Old 19-01-2005, 03:41 AM   #146
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Originally posted by cheesegrater@Jan 19 2005, 05:29 AM
Eating macdonalds is like smoking cigarettes. Also I consider it unethical.
LMAO.. sorry... can't help it.. but that is your oppinion..
I assume you oppose of abortions also, right?

Don't realy know where you get the simularities with smoking and eating food thou.. but hey..

Heck.. drinking too much water can kill you.. i think it's somewhere like 12 liters in 3 hours or so..
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Old 19-01-2005, 03:59 AM   #147
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Thats right, who else's opinion would it be?

I assume you oppose of abortions also, right?
It is idealy unethical to kill humans. I heard partial birth abortions are pretty gory - collapsing the skull and stuff. I think the government shouldn't endorse abortions - abortion is an industry - doctors get paid. Abortion counseling is always biased towards having an abortion because they make money. It's your body do whatever you want, I just think that the government shouldn't endorse it. When I think of how many people in US are christian and how many have abortions it disgusts me. They can't even follow their own religion - hypocties! I think I would be against abortions because it is disrespectful to life, not because of jesus f***ing christ or some bullshit like that.

The similarities between smoking and fast food is that they both contain carcinogens, and poisons.
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Old 19-01-2005, 04:05 AM   #148
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So does milk, wheat, carrots and most other things... (poison)

The abortion-thing was just to confirm my image of you..

My view thou is; if you are active religious, you are weak.. but that is OT, and just to explain my view.

Heck.. it's leathal to live *L* you MAY die..

Damn.. perhaps hospitals should have a warning-lable attached to every newborn; "May die of any reason at any time"..
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Old 19-01-2005, 04:19 AM   #149
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Well, everything has different levels of poison. You can't just say that all food is poisonous. For example organic free range chicken will be a lot more healthy than macdonalds concentration camp chicken.

Also, I am not complaing about death.

if you are active religious, you are weak
Well, it is a form of activism. The non-active religious people twisted their religion into what they think it should be so they could lead a lazy and convinient life. I consider this a greater weakness - giving into the most basic human desires, and always folding under pressure. Religion is fundamentally flawed and makes no sense, but I think it is better to follow your religion, then to be a hypocrite and praise your master jesus christ while you destroy everything.
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Old 19-01-2005, 04:21 AM   #150
Home Sweet Abandonia

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My view thou is; if you are active religious, you are weak
Yes...so on that you are wrong...but as you said, it is and I refuse to get into that debate at the moment

As for McDonalds being poisonous, yes the food is in large quantities, as is pretty much ANYTHING in large quantities. One could actually die from carotene poisoning if they consume too many carrots in one sitting. You would have to eat a freaking lot, but it is possible. However, some foods ARE more toxic to your system than others (McDonalds being an example.) And although I find more fault in the moron who eats that crap every day, and then sues the company for their health problems, I also believe the company is responsible for not making known to the public "Hey, this food IS bad for you! Sure, we sell salads, but with the dressing on the salad they contain more calories than our Big Mac!" My two cents...I'm saving the other ninety eight for other comments.
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