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Old 21-01-2009, 05:39 PM   #141
The (Web)Space Pirate
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*Start of round 2 and GTX knocks Fortis on the head*

GTX2GvO: There will be NO next time! :notrust:
Fortis: *Gulp*
TheChosen: Hé want to keep the teams as they are or should we pick the members again.

GTX2GvO: :notrust:
GTX2GvO: Know what. I'll Trade Tomekk and Fortis in for Capo and Bob.
Everyone Else: Bob!?? Why him?

*GTX picks his stun gun and Zaps Bob*

GTX2GvO: See. Nothing happened. He's Too stupid to know.
GTX2GvO: And.. I have good use for him.
TheChosen: Hmm.. I don't know.. You seem to get a solid team that way.

*TheChosen looks at Fortis. And after some hesitation to Tomekk*

TheChosen: Sure. It's a deal.
GTX2GvO: I see Fortis told you my strategy of the last round.
Everyone Else: What! How? Huh?
TheChosen: Let me guess. That knowledge is useless now?
GTX2GvO: Remember the Obitan4 incident?
TheChosen: yes
GTX2GvO: My doing. All of it.
TheChosen: I see.

Tomekk: Oh. Come ON! Let's start the next match!
Everyone Else: Yeah. Yeah. In a minute.

*a little later*

TheChosen: Can you get the current strategy from GTX now?
Fortis: Ehmm.. Ehh...... There a problem.
TheChosen: What? Ethics? Headache? What?
Fortis: He's blocking me.
TheChosen: ....... how the... And the rest?
Fortis: Bob is too stupid and Capo and Paco are in the cafetaria.... Waiting. For something obvious.
TheChosen: So it's us against GTX?
Ian: That's GREAT. He Doesn't stands a chance!

TheChosen: On the contrary Ian. We need to worry more.
Tomekk: The FLAG!!!! It's Gone!!

*TC, Fortis and Ian Look toward Tomekk and the flags now empty position*

Fortis: I See Bob running toward the cafeteria!
TheChosen: Get after him. He's Going toward Capo an Paco!

*TC, Fortis Ian and Tomekk run after Bob toward the Cafeteria*
*GTX2GvO uncloaks near the flags position*

GTX2GvO: I just LOVE cloaking devices.

*GTX presses in the thin air and the flag reappears*

GTX2GvO: I REALLY love Cloaking Devices.

*GTX picks the flag and gently walks toward the capture point*

GTX2GvO: By the time anyone notices what's going on it will be 1-1 by a long shot.

*Bob reaches the cafeteria and finally faints due to the many MANY Zaps*

Tomekk: I never knew he could withstand THAT many Zaps
Capo: There they are!
Paco: Should we tell them?
TheChosen: Tell what?

Paco & Capo: 1-1
Ian: What? But Bob isn't holding the flag and the capture point is on the other side of the base!
Paco & Capo: That's what GTX told us to tell you.
TheChosen: I HATE Cloaking devices!!!!!!

Bob: Did Bob get the frag?

*Bob holds up a dismantled Frag grenade*

Everyone in the cafetaria: :laugh::laugh::laugh:
TheChosen: Oh yeah. Bob was of Good use to GTX.
TheChosen: Come on. Let's get to the capture point. He's waiting.
Greetings from GTX2GvO.

Member of The Victorious People's Shoutbox Liberation Army.
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Old 29-01-2009, 05:14 AM   #142
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*Ian pulls out something from his magic toolbox*

Ian: Hey, I'm not going to let this turn into a 1-2 situation that easily.

TheChosen: I know that. If you did let turn 1-2, i'd be knockin' your head silly. :notrust:

Ian: A-ha! Here it is! *pulls out a shovel*

TheChosen: A SHOVEL? :ranting:

Ian: Relax! Jeez, it's just a cloaking device.


*TC rants about the cloaking device while Ian puts on earplugs and starts digging*

Ian: *radio* This is Ian to Tomekk, can you read me?

Tomekk: Loud and clear.

Ian: Since TC's too busy ranting, can you help me out?

Tomekk: Sure. *turning to Fortis* Guard this spot well.

Fortis: Okay.

Tomekk: *goes down the hole* Why'd you call me here Ian?

Ian: We're gonna do some sort of scare tactic.

Tomekk: I see.

Ian: Since GTX is slowly but surely going to grab our flag again, I dig to a place near the capture point and scare GTX so he tosses the flag. Then you catch our flag and quickly return to the base. Here, use my cloaking device. I got it from my magic toolbox.

Tomekk: How are you gonna scare GTX?

Ian: I have my ways.

*Ian tunnels near Team TC's flag and waits...*

Ian: Tomekk, dig another hole behind GTX.

Tomekk: All right. *digs*

GTX2GvO: Hey, why is there a hole near THEIR flag? Hmm... Might as well grab it *GTX grabs the flag*

Ian: *quickly emerging from the hole* Boo!

GTX2GvO: AAAAAAHH! *GTX tosses the flag going backwards*

*Ian quickly zaps GTX*

Tomekk: Got it! *returns the flag*

*Ian uses his cloaking device to knock both Paco and Capo's heads together*

Ian: Oh yeah. I REALLY REALLY love cloaking devices.

*Ian runs to get team GTX's flag*

*30 seconds later...*

Announcer: Team Chosen captures the flag. It's now 2-1!

TheChosen: Wait, how'd you do it Ian?

Ian: Well, we kinda went down under. Right, Tomekk?

Tomekk: Right, Ian. :thumbs:

Last edited by ianfreddie07; 29-01-2009 at 07:29 AM.
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Old 25-02-2009, 01:51 PM   #143
The (Web)Space Pirate
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*@ the start of round 4*

GTX2GvO: Darn it. They got our flag again.
GTX2GvO: We really need to teach.........

*Suddenly the base alert lights are lit, but without a voice announcement*

Everyone: Are we getting a new mission!! :nuts:

*The whole team dashes towards the briefing room where Major Damage waits*

Mjr Damage: There you are.
TheChosen: What's the mission boss?
Mjr Damage: There isn't any..... Yet.
Tomekk: Then why call us over? And why use the emergency system?

Mjr Damage: Cause there are two thing to tell you guys.
Ian: Oh. The Old Good news, Bad News situation.
Mjr Damage: More like Bad News, Worse News Situation.
Team: ehhmm..

Mjr Damage: First the bad news.
Mjr Damage: You're all confined to your quarters till the next mission.
Mjr Damage: And if you do NOT have a valid reason of eating or other important stuff, you'll be cleaning the latrines with standard issue X-Com toothbrushes.

Capo: But that's Terrible news!! There's nothing worse then that!
Mjr Damage: Actually there IS.
GTX2GvO & TheChosen:
Paco: But WHAT is worse then that?
Mjr Damage: The Senator Called. He's threatening to pull the plug on the project. Unless I send you on a mission ASAP.
Kugerfang: But Dad is STILL funding this Right?

Mjr Damage: No Kuger. He's threatening to stop all financing and support.
Ian: But we can still get enough cash with all the development patents right?
Mjr Damage: For the Project perhaps, but not to keep certain crew members.

*TheChosen and GTX2GvO look @ each other, knowing what that means*

GTX2GvO: You don't have the cash to keep paying me, nor the governmental support to keep Him *points to TC* out of jail.
Mjr Damage: Heck! I won't even get the support to get him back IN the jail if the plug is pulled.

*The Team Gasps*

Mjr Damage: So unless I send you on a mission soon, those two arses *point's to TC & GTX* will be leaving as if they didn't even existed @ ALL!!
Ian: OK. That IS worse news.
Mjr Damage: Now DISMISSED! I have People To call!

*GTX turns to TC*

GTX2GvO: So where are you going to if this blows up?
TheChosen: Beats me. Probably getting caught in some Cola-bar or something sooner or later.
TheChosen: But HOW did you stay away from the law for all this time, while you have a nastier track record?
GTX2GvO: I have my own secret base and I am careful @ where I drink what.
TheChosen: I see. So you never needed to spend the night in some sleazy motel or something similar?
GTX2GvO: Nope. And If I needed to stay somewhere else for a longer period of time, I actually sleep in one of my space ships.

GTX2GvO: And Now Spit that question.
TheChosen: ???
TheChosen: How did you?
GTX2GvO: Easy. You're facing more jail time if you go your old way. I have a secret base AND I've NEVER been caught before.
GTX2GvO: So counting that together. You need a place to stay.
TheChosen: Got a spare bed?
GTX2GvO: More like a spare wing.
TheChosen: oh. That's generous.

GTX2GvO: Now I'm Going to the cafeteria to eat something and make the necessary preparations to get back to my base.
TheChosen: Preparations?
GTX2GvO: My ship is @ the Base You know. :notrust: I need to call it.
TheChosen: OK. And good luck stuffing your face with croissants and milk.

*GTX goes to the cafeteria while TC goes to his quarters*

TheChosen: Hopefully this will turn out better then the last time I managed to get out of jail.
TheChosen: Damn. The only thing I managed back then was getting a decent stash of Cola.
TheChosen: Speaking of which. I feel thirsty.

*TC speeds up his walking toward his quarters*
Greetings from GTX2GvO.

Member of The Victorious People's Shoutbox Liberation Army.
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Old 25-02-2009, 07:43 PM   #144
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*Fortis is using the base’s com unit to make a call*

Fortis: That’s right. The entire X-Com organization.

Fortis: They can keep going for a while, using royalties from their patents. But it won’t be enough.

Fortis: No, it must continue. I have been in the minds of these aliens. I’ve seen their plans for us. It’s nothing good, I’ll tell you that. This bureaucratic meddling will ruin us. X-Com is the best line of defense we have against them.

Fortis: I know that. It’s GTX and The Chosen I’m talking about. With funding pulled, we can’t afford their pay.

Fortis: Not an option. It’s no secret that the aliens have been looking to hire human mercenaries.

Fortis: Bluntly, I don’t want to be on the opposite side of them. These two are good. Yes, that good. Besides, they know way too much about our organization to let them be hired by the aliens.

Fortis: Thank you sir.

Fortis: Perhaps the Psi-Corps could take over the X-Com operation?

Fortis: Just think it over. At the very least, send us any information you have regarding the aliens movements. We need to do more missions to convince the senate to continue funding us.

Fortis: Thank you admiral.
*Fortis ends the call.*

Paco: So, who was that?

Fortis: An old friend. GTX isn’t the only one who has contacts. I just don’t flaunt mine around.
Fortis: Hopefully, he’ll be able to bail us out.

Paco: Well, good luck with that.
Paco: What is with the alien inactivity here anyway?

Fortis: Quite frankly, it may be that X-Com has made earth too difficult a target.
Fortis: My friend said that they have been active elsewhere though.

Paco: Elsewhere?

Fortis: The other human colonies in the Sol system and other systems.

Paco: So, why don’t we go and smash them there?

Fortis: Well, X-Com was specifically established to defend earth. But the other systems have been clamoring for help with the aliens.

Paco: If we start doing missions for them, do you think that they can pressure the senate enough to keep X-Com running?

Fortis: …It’s worth a shot.
Fortis: Paco, find some way to keep GTX and TC from leaving! I’ve got some more calls to make.

*Some time later*
Fortis: *Dashes into the Major’s office.* I’ve got it! The Psi-Corps just told me! A force of the aliens has descended on the human colony on Europa.

Major: We have yet to be authorized to operate outside of Earth.

Fortis: They haven’t forbade us either.

Major: Do you realize what the senate’s reaction will be? They’re looking for an excuse to pull funding.

Fortis: What about the colonies reaction? When X-Com swoops in to save one of their settlements, we’ll be seen as heroes. With their combined influence, even the senate will be forced to yield and continue funding. Heck, If we do this, the colonies would be willing to fund us out of their own pocket! They’re desperate for our protection.

Major: And I suppose you’ve already solved the interplanetary transport issue?

Fortis: The Psi-Corps are sending transports for us and our equipment.

Major: …
Major: *Presses a button*

*The base Alert lights light up again.*
Major: *Over the base’s intercoms* All X-Com soldiers, prepare for an interplanetary mission to the moon Europa. Transports will arrive at 0900 hours.

Fortis: HA! Yes! Finally some action!

Last edited by Fortis; 25-02-2009 at 07:58 PM.
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Old 08-05-2009, 09:42 AM   #145
The (Web)Space Pirate
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*@ The Cafetaria*

*TC Walks in with a Cola

TheChosen: So. You heard the base alert why didn't you jumped up?
GTX2GvO: Cause I'm not going to Europa. Yet.
TheChosen: Why?
GTX2GvO: You'll see. I mean it, cause I can use your help.
TheChosen: .....
GTX2GvO: But first. Do you have anything ELSE then X-Com clothes?
TheChosen: That orange Jumpsuit. :notrust:
GTX2GvO: Try find something else.

*GTX walks to the major's office while TC goes finding something to wear*

Mjr. Damage: Decided to come along?
GTX2GvO: Actually I wanted to know how many ships that PsiCorp is sending for transport.
Mjr. Damage: Two. Why?
GTX2GvO: You'll find out soon enough. It's almost 0900 and PsiCorp's Always on time.

*Later @ The Equipment bay*

Mjr. Damage: Everyone here?

*Fortis, Kugerfang, Tomekk, Ian, Arete, AlumiuN, Terves, Capo, Paco, Bob, Data & Eagle of Fire acknowledge*

Tomekk: Where are GTX and TC?
Ian: Why are there SO MANY PsiCorp Soldiers?
Data: #Sir. May I remind you that my electrical system can malfunction if I'd leave earths magnetic field.#
Mjr. Damage: Ah. Yes. So you'll be staying @ the Base?
Arete: I'd really Love to come, but Tigers aren't allowed on Europa.
Mjr. Damage: Anyone else that want to stay on the base and keep things secure here?

*EOF Raises his hand*

Eagle of Fire: #Found out some of the Megapol guards are into illegal activities.Want to check that out.#
Mjr. Damage: Sure
Mjr. Damage: So Fortis, Kugerfang, Tomekk, Ian, AlumiuN, Terves, Capo, Paco & Bob will be on the away team for sure.

*@ That moment GTX And TC walk in*
*GTX is wearing a spacesuit with yellow accents, Helmet in the hand, while TC wears a black overcoat and a red scarf around

his neck*

Away Team: ehmm.....
GTX2GvO: Who's the PsiCorp Captain?
Captain: I am. *And he walks up to GTX*
Captain: What do YOU want?!
GTX2GvO: One of the ships and I decide who of those noobs *point's to the PsiCorp soldiers* will join the away team.
Captain: ........ ehm... OK.

Terves To Fortis: $GTX just sended a threat to our hybrid Captin with some serious stuff.$

*GTX walks to the line of Psicorp soldiers*

GTX2GvO: You, You and You. To the Team.
GTX2GvO: You there. If you think your here due to your skills. Ask your Dad again. Now SCRAM!
GTX2GvO: And you should really be with your family now.
GTX2GvO: The rest... Hmm.. You and You. Join. The rest. No space.
Soldier: But there's enough space in BOTH ships for ALL of us.
GTX2GvO: :notrust: *Stares @ the soldier*
Soldier: OH!! Sorry.

Mjr. Damage: Ahem..
GTX2GvO: Ah. Right. Sir.
Mjr. Damage: You joining or what?
GTX2GvO: Nope, but I'd like to ask for a leave of absence for me and TC.
Mjr. Damage: Paid leave?
GTX2GvO: On the house.

*Major Damage visibly Cheers when he hears that*

Mjr. Damage: For how long?
GTX2GvO: How long will this Europa gig endure?
Mjr. Damage: It takes 3 days to get there, possibly a few days to solve the issue and then 3 days to get back.
Mjr. Damage: So. A week. Maybe longer.

*The away team prepares for the Europa mission while GTX and TC go to one of the ships*

Soldier2: Ehhmm. Do you need a pilot?
GTX2GvO: Nope. I can fly these ships myself.
GTX2GvO: Don't worry. I'll return it.
Soldier2: OK.

*The "teams" get into the ships and start their way*

In one ship: Major Damage, Fortis, Kugerfang, Tomekk, Ian, AlumiuN, Terves, Capo, Paco & 5 PsiCorp Soldiers
In the Other: TheChosen And GTX2GvO.

*While Breaking Earth Orbit through the Radio*

Mjr. Damage: Will you be going off straight away or what?
GTX2GvO: It's best if we continue to fly together till "Half Station" before we go our separate ways.
Mjr. Damage: Ok. That's Fine
Bob: WAIT!! We are NOT going to Europa?!?!
Everyone: Bob is (t)here!!!
TheChosen: So what to do with him?
GTX2GvO: Guess we are stuck with him.
GTX2GvO: These bricks have no way of sending someone from one ship to another WHILE in space.
Mjr. Damage: Half station is near. See you three in a week or so?
GTX2GvO: Sure. Breaking radio.

*GTX turns of the Radio and the two ships go their separate way*

GTX2GvO: Hmm.. It Takes @ least a full day to reach the asteroid belt on Autopilot.
GTX2GvO: Guess we should make the best of for this day.
TheChosen: so you're off to this ships canteen?
GTX2GvO: Yep. I sure like a roomy ship once in a while.
TheChosen: You ain't returning the ship, Right?
GTX2GvO: I return it when I'M done with it.
TheChosen: what happens when we reach the asteroid belt?
GTX2GvO: You'll see that tomorrow.
GTX2GvO: Now we have a full day with not much to do.
TheChosen: Do these things have a weapons facility? I brought my Rifle for practice.
GTX2GvO: There is one yes. *GTX tells TC where he should go*

Bob: What should I do?
GTX2GvO And TheChosen: Stay out of the Way and DO NOT touch anything!

*On the other Ship*

Capo: Will we see TC and GTX again sir?
Mjr. Damage: I actually think we will see them again BEFORE we finish this mission.
Tomekk: Don't say they would.....?
Mjr. Damage: No. Not that. But i got a funny feeling about GTX asking for an unpaid leave.
Mjr. Damage: He's UP TO SOMETHING. and it involves Europa.
Paco: How can you be so sure?
Mjr. Damage: Why else would he pick out which PsiCorp Soldiers would be coming with us?
*Major Damage point's to the 4 soldiers and the Pilot*
Mjr. Damage: I'm not sure about that pilot, but those Soldiers are simply the best of the best.

*While pondering in himself*

Mjr. Damage: What the Hell is that guy up too?
Mjr. Damage: And for WHAT does he need TC for?
Mjr. Damage: Guess we'll find out soon enough...
Greetings from GTX2GvO.

Member of The Victorious People's Shoutbox Liberation Army.
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Old 14-05-2009, 11:44 AM   #146
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*As everyone makes themselves comfortable on the ship...*

Ian: Hey, isn't it great to reminisce about really great games?

AlumiuN: I agree. MechWarrior rocks my socks.

Ian: Yeah... Those gauss rifles can really kill. Those laz0rz are also awesome.

Kugerfang: Hmmm... Diablo is another one of those great titles. Pure hack&slash awesomeness.

Ian: Yeah. Hey, have you heard of the debate of whether Diablo was an RPG or not?

Tomekk: Oh, I remember that one. It's definitely an action RPG.

Ian, AlumiuN, Kugerfang: Agreed.

Ian: I'd definitely zap someone who would say it's not an RPG. Heck, even if there's little RPG elements, they're there to stay. *pulls out something*

Tomekk: Is that... a... STUNGUN?

Ian: Yeah. Surprised?


Ian: Toolbox holds anything, and everything.

AlumiuN: May I borrow that?

Ian: Sure, I think I have 10 in here, all from that CTF.

*Fortis, Terves, Capo and Paco gather*

Ian: Hey, now it's a party. WE NEEDS BEER!

Fortis: I got it... *grabs beer*

*20 minutes later...*

Tomekk: I tells you, Diablo was a truly awesome game.

AlumiuN: Ditto.

Kugerfang: Agreed.

Ian: Oh yes.

Fortis: Hmm... In my opinion it's not an RPG becau-*ZAP*

Ian: Shut it, Fortis. It's still an RPG either way.

Everyone else:

Fortis: Well, that's the 201st zap. :notrust:

*A small moment of silence*

Everyone except Fortis: LOLLOLLOLLOLLOL
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Old 16-03-2010, 05:53 PM   #147
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can i be in

Lewis (as a reference to L4D 1)
Bravery, Reaction

(this is how i want it to begin: While the team was looking around, they opened a door, and found me fighting the hostiles while critically injured and someone helps heal me)
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Old 16-03-2010, 06:23 PM   #148
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14-05-2009, 02:44 PM..... you're a wee bit late.
"I want to be able to tell some poor girl i am going to feed off of, that she will see me in her dreams as a dinosaur" - DarthHelmet86

"that's what all jrpgs are about

0: intro
1: talk talk cry talk talk graphics talk talk,
2: boring jrpg generic turn based combat
3: walk map
4: goto 1 12390482309 times
5: outro"
- _r.u.s.s.
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Old 16-03-2010, 07:23 PM   #149
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There is no point in resuming this... most of the original players lost interest, I think.
You're welcome to join the next one (if there is one)

"God. Can't you people see I'm trying to commit a crime against science and nature here?"
-- Reed Richards
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Old 16-03-2010, 09:12 PM   #150
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Perhaps someone with the appropriate access should lock this thread?
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