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Old 23-12-2005, 01:39 PM   #101
Funkpilz Inc.

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You're right Tulac. Go on and discuss what you want, it is your right. I just pointed out what i thought about this, which was a little rude. Although my opinion will always be the same, I'm sorry for interrupting your discussion.
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Old 23-12-2005, 03:09 PM   #102
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sat in a net cafe enjoying reading the way this debate is progressing and two pointless posts have derailed it. great....

so far if you ignore the people saying we shouldent be discussing this it is probably the best religios debate that i have seen on this forum which has to be a good thing. it seems odd that christianty gets discussed and it descends into a flame war wheras satanism is discussed and it stays nice and peacefull.
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Old 23-12-2005, 03:37 PM   #103
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Hahaha. Yes, discounting those two posts.

The infamous "Religion" thread, at times descended into flame-age, but so far this on has not. I enjoy discussing religion with others because it entertains me and hopefully entertains others. Also, I like to try and let other people learn about new things.

For example, TheChosen and his "Darkness is coming thread" obviously is ignorant of Satanism (:P). So, I would like to help him learn more about different things and hopefully become a better person.
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Old 29-12-2005, 12:06 AM   #104
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Originally posted by plix@Dec 16 2005, 11:33 AM
Much of what you are alledging I'll bet is coming from the infamous "Satanic Roots of Rock 'n Roll" article which first appeared on USENET ~13 years ago and is little more than a glorified conspiracy theory. Google it (there are no shortage of copies of it) and you'll see what I mean.
sorry to dig this up but i was in the final seconds of my net cafe time and didnt have time to fully respond to it. and it has been kind of bugging me a little ever scince howerver i am now home from bourgas (dammit beer costs so much here
) but i would like to say i have never read this usenet article of which you speak. these are my own opinions. im not saying that creating servitors does not work,
(but crowley was a self confessed skag head cmon)
but i am saying if you want to convince someone into this then having them drugged up off there tits really works. some of my words on the subject may be lacking but i havnt practiced ritual majick magic majjick whatever scince i was 19 (and i gave away all my books minus the bibel , the koran and the dharma) which is like 6 years a go but i am aware of its power. but as i get older i wonder how much of it is beings created by your own will and how much of it is enforcing your will on other peoples to convince them, rather than a servitor , tulpa whatever doing the dirty work for you. people can use servitors to achive some amazing things. i have practiced spirtual healing and i belive it is more you are convincing people of ther own ability to self heal than it is some spiritual force. people who have a positive attitude statistically have a better chance of recovering from cancer. stress is linked to many different ilnnesses so by convincing someone you have a *power* to heal them can just help kickstart there bodys own ability to self heal.
but if it is a placebo effect the last thing you want is the person you are healing to be aware of that fact.
another *trick* i used to be able to do was burn people with my hands. i would envision the aura around my hands getting brighter and brighter and then get someone to put there hand between mine and give them a static shock. however i always made a lot of eye contact with the person before i did it. now as i get older i wonder was i really extending my bodys electromagnictic feild to create a static pulse or was i subconsiosly mesmerising them so they belived i was able to shock them. i used to be able to get good results with the pendulum as well but that is something that now betrays me. the thing is i broke two of the laws and its not laws of the satanist church. if someone crosses you you have the right to destroy them yeah? kind of an eye for eye sort of thing. well i was i guess you could say good at that stuff. i was pretty sharp with the runes. i sometimes wouldent tell peopel what i saw with them because people dont like bad news yeah. i predicted a freind of mine girlfreind was going to be raped by a close freind of ours . i dint exactly tell him, i was very vauge i just said danger to ther relationship was going to come from this man. 2 weeks later the bastard raped her. we lured him to a flat and beat the muck out from him on a stone floor. i got some instant karma in the fact that a freind of his gave me a kicking. i lost no ability though. kept chcucking the stones, and my astral projection was untroubled. (hte guy had a weak soul, pronbably to much acid, we just did a binding so he would never find love again.)

after we broke his nose

oddly enuff last i heard he is still single. and this is after years. the rules i broke though that made me lose the *talent* whatever the f u want to call it are these. im sharing this with you guys as some of you obviolsy take the lore pretty seriosly but according to it im not sure if i actually broke it if that makes sense.
but im interested in your opionions as people who are learning the art (a clive barker term i prefer to majick)

rule1: i was casting the stones for my wife. i got her to hold them and focos. unknowen to me she had been focusing on her dead grandmother. the cast i got freaked me out. the vibe was just wrong. i was totally circular with the well of the sisters slap bang in the middle and it made my hands feel cold. the energy in the room just went weird. and the stones never worked for me after that.i just couldent get the feel for them when i cast them. the thing about the stones is the pattern is as much importance as the actual symbols and i couldnt get the feel for the patterns anymore. i talked to a gypsy about it later and she said ther e are some very important steps you should use when doing any divination for the dead and in fact it is something you should never do unless you are contacting one of your own family and even then you have to be very carefull. (and alone)
so that was the end of me casting the runes. i had made the set with slates that has a very high quartz content that i had gathered from a cliff near tinatagel during the full moon and i havnt been back there scince becuse i started to think maybe the future should not be knowen unless maybe you get a solid dream about it.
rule2: ok this goes to people who have crossed you. i had a freind who shall remain nameless. we used to practice astral projection with each other. try to find freinds on the plains and give them messages in there sleep. we had a good rate but i think the fackt he lived in a caravan on a major leyline that was next to a hill that started as a prehistoric burial mound, became used for farming and then a variety of temples /churches from prehistory to the reformation when then monestery that had been built on it was reduced to ruins probably helped . we would go out there and meditate (and when i was younger take tape machines and tents cider and spliffs) anyway for a year this man was like my soul brother. then it turns out that he and my girlfreind had been f'ing each other for three months. three months... (i loved this man though so maybe it made me blind to it. i had tiotal trust in him andi thin as i learnt to travel from him his advoidance of me on the plains would be easier than my advoidance of him) so if someone crosses you you can destroy them right? well i broke into his caravan while he was away and i stole some hair from his brush, and took a shred from one of his scarves. i made a clay deffigy and put it in a circle in front of me than facing the effigy i played the drum and chanted words from wherever, (for 3 hours) i used to be quite good at channeling, i was getting to the point where i didnt really need ritual to get results, just focus.well i focused. i was clean at the time but the colors that were forming as i did this was unlike any halucination. it was a lot more real i suppose. then at the culmination i thrust three small stones (quartz) in the gut of the doll then i left it in the sunlight. he ended up in the hospital for 3 days under observation for freaksh stomach palpitations. i felt no guilt. the man had crossed me. but then the nightmares started. sometimes when you start aiming for the higher plains you get these things up there. like big whales i guess is the best way to describe them. well as before i was abley to nimbly advoid them now it was like the bastards where coming down to the lower levels . it was like they could see me, like they were attracted to me. sleep became a very unconfortable thing for me. i find it hard to belive looking back now but no amount of prayer to buddah, rings of salt, calling the corners to sanctify my sleeping area seemed to help. maybe the old adage bright lights attract moths is true.

so this man crossed me. it should be my right to destroy him. buyt yet after doing this i lost abilitys that had been a great plesure to me. i actually started using the bible sleeping with it under my pillow. you can say this for the bible though. as a book of dead names spirits fear it big style. i actually keep on next to my computer as it is here now that the majority of my deep thought takes place.

maybe if i had just punched him i could still project. who knows.

anyways im going to stop here becuse this is turning into a novel of my teenage life and theres loads i have left out (my experiances with the necronomicon in particular beacuse who comes to forums to read novellas right?) but it would be cool to here other people experiance with the art becuse basically it seems to me that do what the wilt be the whole of the law unlest thou harmest no other seems nice in practice but the second you put in the amendment unless they harm you you can lead to big trouble. just look waht eye for an eye policies have led to in isreal and america.

i look forwards to reading more peoples opions on the subject and there own experinces with majics the art whatever becuse there is a lot about the philosophy of it in her but no so much about the actual practice as in peoples personall experiances.

all flame and pointless statements please dont bother , it is nice to see this side of life discuseed intelligently despite the conflicting belief systems

peace out brothers of alternitive spirtuality k:
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