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Old 26-03-2005, 12:58 PM   #91
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Humans are always panicking or something. People just don't understand. They use emotions too much when making decisions, and it clouds their judgment.
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Old 26-03-2005, 03:17 PM   #92
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Yes that's the problem with using emotions, it's always best to think about a solution before acting, but sometimes with some much going on in people's lives, emotions may take over, it's just the way life is sometimes, and it's unfortunate this happens at times.

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Old 26-03-2005, 03:49 PM   #93
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But you can't blame them for it.
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Old 26-03-2005, 04:51 PM   #94
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Originally posted by Sly@Mar 26 2005, 05:11 AM
Your question on where did God come from assumes that you are thinking of the wrong God...
OK - I really have to reply to this one...

WRONG god?
There are many religions - some of them have the smae god, some of them have another god, some have many gods.
It was the belief of men, that created religion, that started giving names to god(s) - not the other way around. If there is none, one, or many gods out ther - it's irrelevant at this point.
You can't tell someone they believe in a WRONG god... There's no such thing as a WRONG god - there are only different religions with different gods (or people not beliveing in a god at all).
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Old 26-03-2005, 05:44 PM   #95

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Originally posted by Sebatianos@Mar 26 2005, 12:51 PM
You can't tell someone they believe in a WRONG god... There's no such thing as a WRONG god - there are only different religions with different gods (or people not beliveing in a god at all.
True, but you took my quote entirely out of context. I said he was thinking of the wrong god by stating his question as it was stated. Tulac's question already assumed that the God of the Bible was limited by time, space or matter. I was just stating that he was assigning the wrong God to my beliefs. He cannot tell me that I believe in a limited God to start with. I am allowed to correct his assumption to my beliefs.

I'm going to have to get to the Big Bang stuff later on this evening (USA time anyways) got stuck into painting my living room all day today.

I'll check back later dudes.
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Old 26-03-2005, 06:15 PM   #96
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Well I'm sorry if I changed the meaning of your post with that quote. You're right of coure that no one can tell you what you believe in. It's your choice.

You said, that scientific discussion should not use phrases like 'it takes so much time' - conected to evolution... But it's true. It does. To evolve from one specie into another such a vast amount of time is necesary, that it's probably beyond our grasp of comprehending. It takes countles of generations for the mutations to take enough change (in the right direction) for anyone to notice. In one life time you can only maybe witnes a development of one germ into another form of germ, but it would take several hundret millenia to see a bacteria become a multi-cell organism. Not to mention how much longer for it to evolve into a creature large enough for us to see with our own eyes.
So it's importaint to understand how large a time frame we must take into consideration when talking about things evolving.
But if you want proof for evolution - that's the missing links (like the Platapuss *spelling*).
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Old 26-03-2005, 09:40 PM   #97
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Oh, I completely realize that Evolution takes millions upon millions of years. However, we see Evolution every day around us. Adaptation is what I was talking about, not full-scale species change. Now, we humans are actually evolving as well. If you compare average pinky-finger sizes, the human pinky is steadily getting smaller. Why? Because we do not use it as much anymore. When "Humans" (we weren't humans yet) were still in the trees, we used our pinkies (and tails) a lot more.
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Old 26-03-2005, 09:54 PM   #98
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I know what you mean...
That's we are loosing the appendix (used to be a full sized part of a gut, back in the days our aincseters were still vegetarians) and our teeth - how many of you have acctually got 32 teeth?

But things like that are - as you said - adaptation. It's not the same as evolution.
The difference - If a human was born only with 8 fingers (and that would be an advantage) that could be an adaptation, but the children of this human would still be humans!
Evolution would be when off spring is no more the same species... So Grandmum would be one specie, father the missing link and the kid a new specie - that would be evolution in a nutshell!
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Old 26-03-2005, 10:23 PM   #99
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No no no you misinterperet me. Evolution is many many adaptations with a few randon mutations here and there.
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Old 27-03-2005, 01:51 AM   #100

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Originally posted by Yobor@Mar 24 2005, 04:01 PM
Your definition of mutation is skewed. A mutation is not a re-combining of DNA. It is what happens when part of the DNA is left out or changed during heredity. Sicle-cell Anemia is a good example. In Africa it was beneficial to have Sicle-cell Anemia because it stops Malaria. So the people with Sicle-Cell Anemia survived, while those without it died.
Mutations do not cause any form of evolution. Anybody that studies the subject will tell you that.

Mutations are scrambled DNA information that's already existing. That's all we observe. There is no new information generated with any mutations.

Scrambling up existing gene code will not give you something totally new. A turtle may be born with two heads, a cow may be born with 5 legs, or a person may be born with 11 fingers. But there's no new information added. The part of the DNA code to generate fingers is obviously scrambled (mutated) and a duplicate was made of existing information. If a person is born with 8 fingers, that is a loss of information. And that's how you get ahead? "Real evolution" would require an increase in genetic complexity with new information added to the DNA strand.

Please show me a beneficial mutation where new information is generated.

Your example of people with sickle-cell anemia are less likely to get malaria, is like saying if you cut off your legs you can't get athelete's foot.

Both sickle-cell anemia and malaria are negative and there's no new information added.

That process is going to turn a rock into a human in 4.6 billion years? Like I've stated before, I really admire your faith. k: Monkeys are still having babies today, y'know. When that random beneficial mutation comes along to turn a monkey into a human let me know, I'm going to grab my camcorder.

"Time" is the evolutionists god.
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