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Old 21-06-2009, 04:46 AM   #1
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Default Tactical Decision Making Game


2nd Platoon, C Coy, consisting of 24 men, has been dropped by night around (0300 hours) the village of Tevasoiya, a village with roughly 500 inhabitants in the immediate area, and another 300 in the surrounding. over the past month, it's had increased SLF activity, as firefights sometimes break out in the open streets of the village. CNA troops have caused the deaths of 50 Serb civilians, causing roughly 200 or so to flee the area (the world doesn't know this though) making the serb populace mad, which led to the fighting.

September 23rd, 2009 - 2 miles inland from the coast, Chenarausia
"Operation White Deployment"

Mission overview: Overlook withdrawal of CNA forces from village, ops like this going on all over the coast, so NATO forces can safely deploy.

it is now 0500 hours. You and your other 3 men are at a hill over looking Tevasoiya, which is garrisoned with around 20 or so men. Your recon group, known as A team, is to over watch the withdrawal of CNA from the area at 0600. The other allied forces in the area are B team, another group of 4, c team, another group of 4, and D team, a squad of 12. B and C are also there to overlook withdrawal, while D is to act as support, in case things get rough.

You can see a group of roughly 7 CNA troops at the north end of the village, close to a large boarding-school like building for girls. C Team, at a hill to the south of the village reports a large squad of 12 men garrisoned at the south end of the village, while through tree's, your men can barely make out 1 BMP-1 through the tree's.

At appx. 0530, the CNA troops in the north end of the village begin to stir. Your men watch them as they fuel their Ural truck, and begin to load things into their truck. C team reports similar activity. At appx. 0535 hours though, shots (7.62mm, most likely AK-47) ring out from the village, then all is quiet. After 15 minutes, the CNA troops seemed to have solved the issue, and returned to their activities. its only 10 minutes until you have jurisdiction to move into the village.

Suddenly though, the CNA troops in the north (7 troops) enter the boarding school, and emerge dragging 2 girls with them, obviously going for the truck.

You radio this to all teams. its 0550 hours, and you can't move into the village until 0600.

First come first serve, think through your moves. Make a post deciding what you do, update the map if necesary. Be realistic!

Rules of Engagement state you can;

a. Not shoot unless shot at

b. Not move into the village until 0600

c. Not fire upon forces in village unless shot at, even after 0600

Available units:
You command the three other men of A Team, their are 4 men to the east (B Team) on a hill, 4 to the south east on a hill (C team) and 12 to the south on a hill (D Team) ready to assist. Air support (1 F-18) is available. D-team has anti tank weaponry available, as well as a HMG. all three recon teams have 3 rifles and a LMG

7 infantry in North end of village, mixed small arms (AK-47, AK-74)
12 Infantry in south of village (mixed small arms, x1 HMG, x1 Suface - air missile)
1 BMP-1 in the center of the village, old rusty looking, probably from early 80's.



Light green represents tree's, if you have to, mark your moves on the map and re post with your post. Light Green is tree's, the number of men in a group is represented by the number over the NATO symbol (i think i got the BMP one wrong though, i think BMP's classed as mech-infantry but not sure)

Tips: there's a ground launched SAM within the 12 man squad to the south. That poses a potential threat to the available F-18 you have.

D-Team has AT weapons

Look at the tree's! They block Line of site, both for you and OPFOR!

the CNA forces arn't really expecting a fight! But that doesn't mean you HAVE to fight.

At 0630, some units will be able to be moved into the zone via Black Hawk Helicopter.


Ok, so tell your move, only one person can, be smart about it, cause i'm going to make this as realistic as i can, so the more detailed your move, the better. Remember, you command yourself, and 3 others, not everyone on the map! you can radio other teams though. This is the first of a possible many Decision Maker games if things go well! All will be focused on the hypothetical Chenarausian - Serb conflict in chenarausia.

Move out, soldier!

Kugarfang: o hai guiz im trying to find this techno song from the radio and it goes like this:

DUN duuuunnnn dudududududun SPLOOSH duuunnnnn

We ate the horse.

Last edited by Fubb; 21-06-2009 at 05:26 AM.
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Old 21-06-2009, 11:04 AM   #2
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LMG means Light machine gun, right?

In any case, radio team D to move closer to village. Move team B to point 0. If truck starts moving north, move team B through path 1, move team A to road. If truck moves north-east, move team B through path 2.

P.S.: If we fail miserably, note that I'm a poor strategist, and always lost panzer general .

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Old 21-06-2009, 03:26 PM   #3

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I know it's first come, but I couldn't resist having a go...

Elevation and thin lines of sight allow for a few observation orders, I think... Use a line tool - it is possible to see, but I get what you mean about the game - this is more like Warhammer 40k kinda treeline, right?

Preliminary movement and standing orders:

A squad to move prone in short line, using cover of topography to block sight from OpFor BMP. Maintain position in treeline off road - formation into line 9-3 rear man observes road leading West, point to observe road running North.

Issue radio commands before movement:

Radio commands:

All Squads:

  • prepare to protect ears at 0603.
B Squad:
  • B squad to monitor activity of Opfor squad A and BMP - notify A immediately if any change in position, attitude or other activity - until A squad has arrived at checkpoint and can assist in monitoring of OpFor A and BMP.
  • B squad, on confirmation that A is in position, will then move prone, in short line, to trees at 4 o'clock and advance to waypoint along specified route (treeline / topographic meet). Then to continue monitor Opfor A and BMP from cover.
  • B squad to assemble in Vee Wedge formation, at waypoint, LMG forward.
  • One rifleman observe road Top East; one rifleman to obs Rd North.
  • Report, once in position on status of BMP - Direction facing? Engine running? Manned? BMP crew inside or out? If in, can BMP observer/drivers be taken as viable target? (no scale on map, cannot determine range) If out, can BMP crew be neutralised quickly?
  • Also report upon situation with hostages. Are they in line of fire from B to OpFor A? Where are they?
  • Report upon status of truck at OpFor A - direction facing? Engine running? Able to verify contents? Is fuel station viable target? Driver in truck?
  • Standing orders, if things go loud, are to maintain position and be ready to supress OpFor A by plugging them with everything they have or eliminiate BMP crew if reported idle.
  • NO SHOTS FIRED unless granted by A.
  • B squad to remain radio silent except to report OpFor A or BMP activity if not observered by A.
Single click on radio, sent from B, is answered by double click from A, if OpFor A or BMP activity is observed.
C Squad

  • Advance to treeline their 10 o'clock.
  • Assume prone line.
  • Rear watches Road South; point observes Bottom East
  • Observe and report on status of OpFor B.
  • Direction of truck? Driver onboard? Engine running? Supplies being loaded? Condition/readiness of SAM. Is SCUD?
  • LMG observe SAM
  • Standing orders, should things go loud, are to supress SAM while riflemen plug at regs ONLY after D squad engages.
D Squad

  • Advance double time to point I. Proceed double prone in line to point II.
  • Upon reaching treeline, assume Phantom formation and hold position, prone.
  • Ready AT weaponry.
  • Report any observations regarding buildings and peripheral.
  • Prepare for assault.
  • Standing order (if goes loud) is to split 6/4 group and advance double to positions Tango & Foxtrot.
  • Tango will take assault & GPMG/HMG and plug OpFor B from cover of buildings - primary to inflict as many casualties; Supress the SAM and OpFor B
  • Foxtrot will cover behind buildings - remaining out of firing line from squad C and observe BMP. Primary is ambush BMP when turns to support OpFor B from position Foxtrot and then move North, around buildings to Whiskey. If BMP does not move to support OpFor B then Ambush BMP from position Whiskey.
  • If not loud (shots fired), then during flyover (see base radio command for 0603), while OpFor is distracted, both teams Df and Dt will take their initial positions behind buildings and remain doggo. Df will not advance to Dw if hostilities are not engaged.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot = WTF?!
Base Radio

  • Call for ear-splitter, pop-up flyover by F18 at 0603 from South of villiage, fast as you like lads - No SAM to worry about at 150' is there? - to scare the shit out everyone, disorienting and deafening before circling for second higher pass at high speed once more over village - report any movements on second pass.
  • Prepare to pass third time, if instructed - not before 0608, weapons-free, target at will.
  • if not instructed to engage, return to base to refuel and get back in the air pronto.
  • Call for chopper to arrive earlier than 0630 if needed.
That should cover everything up until around 0558/9 for troop movement (if one of those houses is the same size as mine), max 5 mins of observation before flyover. Should be enough time to gather enough intel to make a more informed decision.
If they take a few pot shots at the F18, then it will be perceived as hostile action on OpFor's behalf.

OpFor are leaving the villiage, without any hostages, either sitting in and driving their trucks relieved that they still have their lives (even if they can't hear properly) or they will be leaving in the backs of other trucks, in cheap, polythene bags...

Using fighter jets in this way is a pretty good tactic - because of the hills that surround, you can't really hear them until their shadows have passed over you. Then you get the shock...
And while you're dealing with that, an SA80 is stuck in your face and your home-forged AK is taken from your limp hands before you're restrained with cable ties.

Map with movements and end positions so far up to 0603:

Last edited by Saccade; 21-06-2009 at 03:36 PM. Reason: massive bitmap!
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Old 21-06-2009, 06:53 PM   #4
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Holy CRAP Saccade! you trully know your stuff (much better then me, i wouldn't go that in depth) but yea, it is first come first serve, so i gotta make results for Mousazz, but your definetly on the right track Just be quicker next time

Also i forgot to mention that OPFOR will withdraw North, using the large road, my bad. Also i may make a scale next time

Results of Mousazz's move
Your squad (A Team) moves to the road with no trouble, and radio's the other squads, as B-Team reports succsefu lredeployment at Point 0, and D-Team treports they have reached their marks. it is now 0555 hours.

A member of the OPFOR 7-man squad (OPFOR A)notices your troops as you rach the deep-ditch of the road heading north. The road is paved (its the main transportation road i nthe area, all others are gravel) and cracked. The OPFOR heads to his obviously superior officer, and warns him. It appears they think this is an attack, as your moving into the road they need to use to withdraw!

Just then, C Team reports the 12 man squad (OPFOR B)in the south of the village has mounted their Ural truck, and are driving north slowly, stopping at different parts of the village to pick up supplies and various crates littered about the village

a member of OPFOR A runs to the house south of the BMP-1 (OPFOR C) and bangs on the door, and three men emerge in a hurry, obviously the BMP-1 Crew. In less then a minute, the BMP-1 is up and running, and turns around the face the road to the north - right in line with your squad.

OPFOR A opens fire on Squad A with various small arms, OPFOR C has made no attacks yet, OPFOR B is confused at the sudden start of fighting.

Luckily, you and your men are mostly safe, hiding in the large ditch, one o fyour men, a rifleman, returns aa burst of shots towards the village, OPFOR A returns a small burst, then ceases firing. You order your men not to fire.

It is now 0558, hostilities have begun. Squad D radios you, asking whats going on, you tell them that OPFOR A has opened fire on you. The Squad leader of D-team orders you to pull back immidiatly.

More messages come over the radio from battalion HQ. NATO forces are ready to land at the nearby beaches to the south, and are hoping withdrawel is going underway.

What do you do?

Rules of Engagement
While your the instigators, you can now fire back at OPFOR

Can't move into village until 0600 overrided as hostilities have begun

Updated to show current positions, and where the OPFOR forces are moving.

Tips: You can still end hostilities and move on, this fighting can cause ALLOT of trouble for NATO forces in the area (landing may be rescedualed if OPFOR reinforcements enter the area, and extraction will become hard, or impossible, making you stuck "Behind enemy lines".

(Sac, i think you'd be better at this im still a novice in military tactics, i've only just begun learning )
Kugarfang: o hai guiz im trying to find this techno song from the radio and it goes like this:

DUN duuuunnnn dudududududun SPLOOSH duuunnnnn

We ate the horse.
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Old 21-06-2009, 11:00 PM   #5
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Move team A to the trees to the east of the road, then radio team B to continue moving toward the trees, move team D closer to the village and give full command and authority to squad leader Saccade, praying to god, hoping that I haven't f***ed this up too much.(Sorry!)

P.S.:What would happen if we disobeyed the direct orders from command?

P.S.S.:If we suck, we suck in style!

Map: http://www.vulomedia.com/images/7617...ionmaking3.gif
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Old 22-06-2009, 12:56 AM   #6
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Team A moves across the road. however, once out of the ditch, OPFOR A opens fire once more, and one of your men (Rifleman) is hit in the neck, killing him instantly. Once in the tree's, you order your LMGunner to open fire on OPFOR A, at the same time, Team B reaches the tree line. One of Team B's riflemen opens fire on OPFOR A, unleashing an entire clip in the direction of the Ural truck! 1 OPFOR A member is hit (Kill? Injure? don't know yet, you can't tel lfrom here) and one of the girls is clipped in the shoulder, dropping her to the ground!

You report your casualty to Team D, and they announce "Guns Free", as if that wasn't going on already.

Team D radios Team C to move up, and also warns you that OPFOR B has dismounted their Ural and is moving up to flank you on your right. Team B reports that OPFOR C (the BMP-1) Is flanking the left flank of your tree line! Theirs no turning back now, your in full scale warfare.

Team B is suppressing OPFOR A, and Team D radios in that they have opened fire on the un-ready OPFOR B, bringing down 3 men, making only 9 combat effective. They report the SAM gunner has been rendered combat ineffective!

It is now 0603 hours.

Current situation in a jiffy:


NATO Casualties: 1 confirmed Dead
OPFOR (CNA) Casualties: 4 (Dead? Injured?)
Civilian: 1 injured

Aid Available: x1 F-18 loaded for an air-strike (6 minutes from time of deployment to time of arrival)

Reinforcements available by air: ;12 man infantry Squad (0630)
(Possible) Reinforcements available by ground: x1 M113 APC, x1 5-ton Truck, x2 12 men infantry squads (0615, if landing goes according to plan)

Tips: Remember, Team D is the only one with AT weaponry, you'll be lucky if LMG shells even penetrate the BMP-1 heading your way. Falling back isn't possible, because the BMP will just catch up to you and B team, so you need to fight. F-18 aid will take about 6 minutes to reach you.
Kugarfang: o hai guiz im trying to find this techno song from the radio and it goes like this:

DUN duuuunnnn dudududududun SPLOOSH duuunnnnn

We ate the horse.

Last edited by Fubb; 22-06-2009 at 01:02 AM.
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Old 23-06-2009, 12:20 PM   #7

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Hey Fubb - shall I set you a scenario?
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Old 23-06-2009, 11:42 PM   #8
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sure, someone else post on this one though!
Kugarfang: o hai guiz im trying to find this techno song from the radio and it goes like this:

DUN duuuunnnn dudududududun SPLOOSH duuunnnnn

We ate the horse.
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Old 25-06-2009, 06:54 AM   #9

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Alpha: delta come in repeat come in
Delta: This is delta over
Alpha:How is it going on your front over.
Delta: so far so good over
Alpha: keep me inform if anything happen's over

Charlie:"gun fire in the distance"
Alpha: charlie come in i repeat charlie come in
Charlie: This is charlie over
Alpha:What is happening over
Charlie: Trigger happy soldiers over
Alpha: keep a eye on them we don't want any civilians to hurt over.

Bravo: Alpha come in
Alpha: This is alpha over
Bravo:We spotted two soldier's coming out of the boarding school dragging two women. over
Alpha: bravo do not move over watch and report
bravo: roger

HQ: green light repeat green light
Alpha: delta this is alpha over
delta: yes alpha
Alpha: move up to the tree line behind the building over
Delta: roger
Alpha: charlie hold postion over
charlie: roger
Alpha: get a better view on that bmp
bravo: roger

bravo: "BOOM" ahhhhhh
Alpha: bravo come in over
bravo: We got a kia over
Alpha: what happen
Bravo: cpl oniel step on a land mine over
"BMP firing"
Bravo: We are takeing fire over
Alpha: move back repreat move
Alpha: Requesting air support over
Eagle-6: eta 6 min

Charlie: "Gun fire" we are pin down over
Alpha : roger
Alpha: delta come in over
Delta: over
Alpha: move up to the houses and suppress over
Delta: roger

Alpha: bravo come in
Bravo: We are takeing cover over
Alpha: roger eta of eagle-6 2 min hold tight

Alpha: moveing up toward's the road
Eagel: Come in low and hot over
Alpha: bravo light the bmp over
Bravo: roger

Bravo: "boom"
Eagel: target destoryed over
Bravo:alpha bmp is destoryed over
alpha:roger that


delta:we are engaging over
Alpha: go in hot
Charlie:"shooting" engaging on the move over
Alpha: roger that

Bravo: sir Truck's are moving out
Alpha: Were are there headed over
Bravo:north towards you
Alpha:Ambushing over

Alpha:"shooting" Bravo move up to support

bravo: front truck diver is killed over
Alpha: roger that
Bravo: there headed in to the boarding school over
Alpha: cut them off over
bravo: roger

Delta: there surrendering over
Alpha: charlie search "shooting" and dis arm
Alpha:"shooting" delta move up and flank over

Bravo:Girls are safe over
Alphaelta search and disarm
Charlie: 4 EC KIA over here
Alpha: HQ come in
HQ: over
Alpha: requesting med vac We got 3 wounded and 1 kia over
HQ: roger
Bravo: 5 EC killed over
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