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Old 05-08-2005, 02:20 PM   #21
Game Wizzard

Join Date: May 2005
Location: Abdurrazak, Afghanistan
Posts: 229

thanks for the spells! k:
for some reason whenewer my character upgrades like new level in ninja some of his stats go temporarily down..is it normal?
btw anyone knows easy way to kill those rock octupuses or whatewer they are?(they look like a pile of rubble)i always end throwing evry piece of crap i can fing(daggers stones shurikens arrows then clubs chests and so..)
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Old 06-08-2005, 03:11 AM   #22

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btw anyone knows easy way to kill those rock octupuses
The rock monsters are pretty tough enemies. They are thankfully very slow though.

Try using lots of fireballs and poison clouds on them. If you want to take them on head to head, run up to them, hit them with your front characters, then retreat one step before they attack back.

A good tactic for defeating any monster is to stand just infront of a door. Then when the creature comes to you, simply close the door... the resulting bashing of the door on their head can do a fair bit of damage. When they retreat eventually, open the door and wait for them to come forward again. Coupled with some good whacks of your sword and some spells, most of the slower monsters will be history in no time. Faster monsters are a bit too quick for this trick though.
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Old 06-08-2005, 09:28 AM   #23
Game Wizzard

Join Date: May 2005
Location: Abdurrazak, Afghanistan
Posts: 229

i use that door trick but thanks,i cant rely on my spellcasters because my party is reincarnated
is it possible that random creatures appear?
because they often come at me from behind even when im sure i cleaned that place

Damn that ghosts!! :ranting: :Titan:
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Old 07-08-2005, 05:11 AM   #24

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Some of the monsters do come from generators. Almost exclusively though the monsters from generators are generated from walking on a certain square. So walking backwards and forwards looking around can often trigger new monsters.

One exception I can think of is a room full of Screamers (tree things), and these are generated over time. It's on one of the lower levels and basically is a godsend for collecting food supplies.

Oh, I remembered about the rock monsters - hit them when they attack you for maximum damage i.e. when their face comes out of the rock.

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Old 07-08-2005, 09:16 AM   #25
Game Wizzard

Join Date: May 2005
Location: Abdurrazak, Afghanistan
Posts: 229

i know about generators..there 2 at the end of level where i am
one for screamers and one for worms
its like level 4 i think
anyone knows wheres switch for that gate theres gate at the stairs i cant find a way to open it
tried choping with axe, ZO spell
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Old 17-11-2005, 08:42 PM   #26

This game is what the other RPG apired to be. I remember may nights up with my fiend mapping dungeons. Preparing the part to round the corner fire off a poison bold or fireball then hacking with sowrds.

Anyway the original question "How does this game compare to the Eye of the beholder series? Is it better or worse? "

EOB only wishes it could be this good. Also Chaos Strike back is also available wiht DM in windows version that can you can transfer a save game file to a pocket pc version.

Just follow the extras link

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Old 21-11-2005, 07:45 PM   #27

"for some reason whenever my character upgrades like new level in ninja some of his stats go temporarily down..is it normal?"
Don't worry, your stats haven't gone down, the upper limit has gone up, and so the stat has to 'heal' up to the new level.

"anyone knows wheres switch for that gate theres gate at the stairs i cant find a way to open it tried choping with axe, ZO spell"
If we're thinking about the same door (you mentioned level 4, with the worms etc), down the corridor before getting to the blocked exit stairs there is a mummy standing on a square, on the other side of a pit. There is a sign nearby ("This is my prisoner, let him suffer" as I recall) - kill the mummy! Throw any item at him, or use an attack spell; when he dies, he releases a switch, opening the door. Warning: the area also then gets groups of worms wandering around, and there are few points where you can get past them - you'll have to find a place when you can fight them instead.

Dungeon Master is a great game! I know the upper levels of the dungeon better than the area where I live... strange though, as much as I've played it, I've only completed it twice. Second time was earlier this year, when I completed a personal challenge - finishing the game only using one character (I used Sonya).
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Old 11-12-2005, 10:06 PM   #28
Dragon Hunter

Does anyone know of another game much like this one? I'm afraid I forgot the name, so you will probably call this a wild goose chase, but I'm hoping I can find someone who knows. Its a game much like this one. I first began playing it around 1992, and we (family members) would always call it "Dragon". Its much like Dragon Masters, I think, I have not yet played this one, but it did not have an inventory control. The main idea of "Dragon" was to try to fight your way to the bottom of a dungeon. Level 1 (the top) held no monsters, but it had various shops and stores, such as Potion Shops, Armouries, Weaponsmiths, etc. Each level below that (Levels 2, 3, 4, etc.) contained bigger, and more powerful monsters. You moved NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, and WEST in hall ways. The roof and floor is a bright, neon green, and the walls were stone blocks. Some of the key monsters were called Dragonflies, Queen Dragonflies, Dragons, and Queen Dragons. There was one way to get out of the dungeon, though, and that was on Level 1 with the shops and rest areas (there MIGHT have been an exit at the bottom floor, but I was never able to get there); that was an exit into the wilderness. The wilderness was a text based area, using various symbols and colours to create a "text map". But, the only way to leave the wilderness, was to find another dungeon.
Please respond if you have any knowledge about where I might be able to find this can, or of the name of this "Dragon" game, I have come to believe that Dungeon was not its true name, after countless searches of Abandonia and related sites.
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Old 03-01-2006, 09:16 PM   #29

Both Dungeon Master and Chaos Strikes Back have been adapted to the PC with a specially designed engine. The coolest thing about it is that it allows you to record entire games. This feature has also led to some competitions to see who could finish the games the fastest. The records are:

31min 45sec for DM

10min 37 sec for CSB

You can find the movies here (scroll down to the "competitions" section) http://dmweb.free.fr/CSBForWindowsLinux.htm

Very impressive to watch, especially when one has played these games and struggled for 20+ hours tying to complete them.
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Old 28-01-2006, 11:37 PM   #30
matt gothard

i would like to mention an error when playing dungeon master on DOSBox. I don't know if everybody knows about this but on the "manuals, walkthroughs, tips & tricks" link on the game page, when you get to the new page which is the encyclopedia site of DM, highlight dungeon master and a list will popup and then you will scroll down and click on tips & tricks. it should show you a few things such as the infinite health cheat which requires debugging the FIRES file in the game directory. I tried this infinite health trick and afterwards when i start the game, it doesn't run. it says this debug code only works on the multilanguage v3.4 dungeon master. is this the version of the game on Abandonia??
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