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Old 29-08-2009, 10:03 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Maryland, United States
Posts: 357
Default Mismashing in a conference chat.

Well, Tomekk and I decided to go visit his friend who I heard is a graphics nut and a Counter Strike geek. ianfreddie07 = me. tomekkthe2nd = Tomekk. levente_pap = the guy we wanted to talk to


levente_pap: anyway,why dont you guys like mmorpgs?
ianfreddie07: 1. They're gay.
ianfreddie07: 2. They're grinding
levente_pap: besides that
tomekkthe2nd: They focus on grinding too much...
ianfreddie07: 3. They're repetitive
tomekkthe2nd: I pretty much agree with Ian
ianfreddie07: 4. Some don't even play, but BOT
ianfreddie07: 5. Their "innovative" features often border on PvP
levente_pap: well
levente_pap: you dont have to grind o.O
tomekkthe2nd: If you dont grind, you wont progress...
levente_pap: just when your not doing something else
ianfreddie07: When people are too lazy to grind in MMORPGs... they bot.
levente_pap: well train with friends
levente_pap: not grind..
tomekkthe2nd: Killing shitloads of monsters for xp = grind
levente_pap: or...get ahcks xD
ianfreddie07: See
levente_pap: hacks are fun
ianfreddie07: That's what gives MMORPGs double suckage
levente_pap: makes grind enjoyable
ianfreddie07: You actually HAVE TO USE HACKS to make the game enjoyable.
levente_pap: no,you only make grinding enjoyable
tomekkthe2nd: Try a singleplayer RPG, you'll noticed the difference.
ianfreddie07: Which is one of the most low-brow and worst things you can do to a game. Hack it.
ianfreddie07: Though cracking games is the best thing you can do =))
tomekkthe2nd: @Levi: Grinding and PVP is what most mmos are about...
levente_pap: i usually hate 1 vs 1
ianfreddie07: And showing off how well they pull off female characters...
tomekkthe2nd: You grind to pvp, pvp for ego, ego to brag. Really nice
levente_pap: i like clan vs clan though
ianfreddie07: So a modern MMO = Grinding, PvP, bragging rights, showcasing how well they do female characters
ianfreddie07: I will emphasize the 4th part
tomekkthe2nd: Each advert for every mmo has some hit chick in it...
tomekkthe2nd: It's not like that's a bad thing you know... :P
ianfreddie07: If the chick is real, it wouldn't be so bad.
levente_pap: well if thats what it takes to get ppl to play mmos,then thats what tey'll use xD
ianfreddie07: Anyway, single player RPGs are better in terms of content and gameplay.
levente_pap: but...you can finish it
tomekkthe2nd: So?
ianfreddie07: So?
tomekkthe2nd: Replay value exists.
tomekkthe2nd: Let's take Arcanum for example
levente_pap: so it ends
tomekkthe2nd: You can be good or evil
tomekkthe2nd: You can use technology or magic
tomekkthe2nd: Each with it's unique builds
ianfreddie07: Let's take an MMORPG...
tomekkthe2nd: Then, you can choose another race to play
tomekkthe2nd: Get different comapnions and such
levente_pap: yea buts its almost the same again...
ianfreddie07: You can choose a PvP race
tomekkthe2nd: No its not.
ianfreddie07: You only follow ONE build
tomekkthe2nd: Each variable makes NPCs react diffrenetly to you.
tomekkthe2nd: You do other things
tomekkthe2nd: Unlock new stuff
tomekkthe2nd: Etc.
levente_pap: umm...i dont think you get a different boss for every class in the game
tomekkthe2nd: Dude it's not the boss
levente_pap: yes i understand
levente_pap: its different
tomekkthe2nd: Boss isn't the most important thing in the game...
ianfreddie07: Dude, it's called "play styles"
levente_pap: but
tomekkthe2nd: Even the ending might be the fucking same
levente_pap: the in the end
tomekkthe2nd: But the way you got there changes
levente_pap: you have to kill the same things
levente_pap: you did before
ianfreddie07: Same as MMOs
tomekkthe2nd: Did you ever play a good RPG?
ianfreddie07: When you grind, it's the same monster you kill.
tomekkthe2nd: Not MMO
levente_pap: umm
levente_pap: that game you gave me..
ianfreddie07: Then advancing levels then moving on to another set of monsters.
levente_pap: cant remember it
tomekkthe2nd: Which
tomekkthe2nd: NoX?
levente_pap: w8 -.-"
levente_pap: .....2
tomekkthe2nd: Diablo....
levente_pap: diablo!
levente_pap: yea x
levente_pap: D
tomekkthe2nd: That's an action RPG
tomekkthe2nd: Like your MMOs
tomekkthe2nd: not a real Computer RPG
levente_pap: they arent mine
tomekkthe2nd: "Your" as in what you play
ianfreddie07: Divine Divinity is a Diablo/CRPG hybrid.
ianfreddie07: It's amazing.
levente_pap: im sure it is
tomekkthe2nd: And yes
tomekkthe2nd: It has "primitive" 2D graphics
ianfreddie07: But you know, I wouldn't give a shit about graphics if the core gameplay is so fucking good
tomekkthe2nd: Graphics are the least of my worried
tomekkthe2nd: *s
levente_pap: well im a little different xD
ianfreddie07: That's why I play Doom (1993 FPS)
tomekkthe2nd: Except when it''s ASCII or Text
ianfreddie07: Because it's simple gameplay is phenomenally done
tomekkthe2nd: I replayed Doom like 100 times and I still dont get bored of the same maps
levente_pap: i like complicated gameplay,they confuse the noobs -> easy to own them
ianfreddie07: Give me an example of complicated gameplay
tomekkthe2nd: MMOs only get complicated do to the Builds and skill stuff that was ripped-off from Diablo
levente_pap: well lets take CS 1.6 as an example
tomekkthe2nd: LOL
ianfreddie07: OMFG
levente_pap: noobs usually hit the mouse button
ianfreddie07: And?
levente_pap: and the recoil effect appears
tomekkthe2nd: That's not complicated gameplay dude... that just requires practice.
levente_pap: then what do you call it?
tomekkthe2nd: Complicated is when you can upgade your gun, modify it, repair it.
tomekkthe2nd: A realisitc FPS...
levente_pap: oh i hate that too
ianfreddie07: Complicated is having different styles of play
levente_pap: fine,then i hate complicated too xD
ianfreddie07: Different ways to adapt to situations
ianfreddie07: So you conclude that CS is not realistic/
levente_pap: fell in cs you can addept in differentw as too
tomekkthe2nd: Yes, choose another gun, hide or run
ianfreddie07: How
tomekkthe2nd: Very complex
levente_pap: or throw a flash bang..
ianfreddie07: Makes little difference
levente_pap: or disconnect
tomekkthe2nd: Complicated it when you can
tomekkthe2nd: A)Run into his face and beat the crap out of him
tomekkthe2nd: B)Sneak around and backstab
tomekkthe2nd: C)Summon pets to pwn him
tomekkthe2nd: etc.
ianfreddie07: D)Shoot him then do a teabag
tomekkthe2nd: AKA different ways to do something
levente_pap: like in...mmos?
ianfreddie07: Wrong
tomekkthe2nd: Not just add an extra weapon
tomekkthe2nd: MMOs limit you to your class
tomekkthe2nd: (Ex: 2moons)
levente_pap: not all of them
ianfreddie07: Every MMO limits you to your own class.
ianfreddie07: Don't mention Runescape.
tomekkthe2nd: LOL
levente_pap: i wont
ianfreddie07: Good
levente_pap: heard of AQ worlds?
ianfreddie07: AdventureQuest?
levente_pap: its 2D,skills are within your armor
levente_pap: no
tomekkthe2nd: 2D Cardboard graphics style JRPG
levente_pap: no
levente_pap: its flash based :P
tomekkthe2nd: JRPG = japano****** rpg
ianfreddie07: There are some JRPGs that stand out
levente_pap: i see you never heard of it
ianfreddie07: Like EarthBound and their "scary" boss LOL
tomekkthe2nd: AQ Worlds = no idea, AQ = yes
levente_pap: so the main thing is,its mmo,flash based,you get skills with any armor you wear
levente_pap: so its not limited
ianfreddie07: Skills are armor dependent?
levente_pap: but anyway,its just an example
levente_pap: yes
tomekkthe2nd: Yes Ian
tomekkthe2nd: Take a "Pyromancer" armor and you get fire skills
ianfreddie07: wtf
tomekkthe2nd: Or take this "Mage armor" and get your wizard skills
levente_pap: yep
levente_pap: just like that,but
ianfreddie07: Take a "Sl0t" armor and you get to be an instant pr0nstar
levente_pap: you have to lvl the armor first
levente_pap: xD
tomekkthe2nd: Which is more retarded then D2's skill system
ianfreddie07: I don't find it appealing
levente_pap: it was just an example
ianfreddie07: I know
tomekkthe2nd: Fights also take forever in that game
levente_pap: that you arent that limited
levente_pap: its NOT AQ
levente_pap: its AQ worlds
levente_pap: a new mmorpg
tomekkthe2nd: 3D?
levente_pap: developed by battleon
levente_pap: 2d
levente_pap: much like dragon fable
ianfreddie07: WAIT
ianfreddie07: I played DF before
levente_pap: but you get to fight where you move too
tomekkthe2nd: Dragon Fable... ohh god
tomekkthe2nd: This is basically a cheesier dragonfable with actual multiplayer! w00t
ianfreddie07: Here's a retarded MMORPG idea: TURN BASED COMBAT
levente_pap: yes tomekk,its exactly that
levente_pap: well...iv never played one of those
tomekkthe2nd: AQ
tomekkthe2nd: DF
levente_pap: umm
tomekkthe2nd: Turn based aka wait for your enemy to bash you then do 1 action and repeat
ianfreddie07: Don't say it's not turn based
levente_pap: you mean fight players right?
ianfreddie07: LE SIGH
tomekkthe2nd: DF pvp = turn based yet again
levente_pap: oh right
levente_pap: i did pla them,but i didnt fight palyer
tomekkthe2nd: Thats not even real pvp
tomekkthe2nd: You just fight your opponent in basic gear
tomekkthe2nd: Unless he was a sucker to pay 30$
levente_pap: 20%
tomekkthe2nd: And your opponent doesnt even know it.
levente_pap: 20$*
tomekkthe2nd: Still, why pay 20$ just to let others fight you in normal gear?!
tomekkthe2nd: That's so retarded.
ianfreddie07: Milking money
levente_pap: i didnt pay for it xD
levente_pap: its not wearth it
tomekkthe2nd: Thats why I owned your char everytime in pvp :P
tomekkthe2nd: And you did mine I presume
levente_pap: xD
levente_pap: but even with armor
tomekkthe2nd: Cause all we got was a lvl1 sword and no armor bonuses
tomekkthe2nd: DF's armor is nothing
levente_pap: i could own you,cuz its an npc whos controlling you
ianfreddie07: I hate those "omfg the graphics suck this game sucks"
tomekkthe2nd: AQW's graphics actually look nice
levente_pap: yes it does
tomekkthe2nd: Totally my style: Simple 2D.
levente_pap: flash looks nice
levente_pap: but it lags like hell
tomekkthe2nd: ^^
levente_pap: dunno whats with my pc
levente_pap: everything works just fine
levente_pap: exept flash
tomekkthe2nd: My PC laggs as hell for java
levente_pap: not a problem,i dont sopose you play rs anymore xD
tomekkthe2nd: I wont play it ever again
ianfreddie07: @Levi: Which would you pick? A game like Arcanum or a MMORPG
ianfreddie07: State your reasons
tomekkthe2nd: He doesnt know Arcanum
tomekkthe2nd: Diablo doesnt count
levente_pap: i havent logged in for like...2-3 weeks,stupid jages made the graph gay...swords look like rubber,you walk like a pinguin
ianfreddie07: That's why I said: "like"
tomekkthe2nd: MMOs are based on Diablo in the first place
levente_pap: umm...i dont know what arcanum is xD
ianfreddie07: Ok...
levente_pap: gimme another example
tomekkthe2nd: Yo dont know any good CRPG, That's the problem
ianfreddie07: I'll post a screenshot of two games, wait.
levente_pap: ok
tomekkthe2nd: Ill do something too wait
ianfreddie07: Would you play something like this: http://www.mobygames.com/images/shot...7768809-00.gif
levente_pap: ofcourse..
levente_pap: not xD
ianfreddie07: Why
tomekkthe2nd: Judgement by graphics
levente_pap: i usually played those games
levente_pap: when i had a 'd86
levente_pap: when i had a '486
tomekkthe2nd: Lol
ianfreddie07: http://www.winsupersite.com/images/s...halo3_5_16.jpg
tomekkthe2nd: Halo 3?:P
ianfreddie07: I still don't know the reason why you won't play Fallout, Levi
ianfreddie07: Yeah
levente_pap: you know my name? xD
tomekkthe2nd: I said it by default here :P
ianfreddie07: Your Doom: Levi, it can be done right
levente_pap: and i would play halo 3 either
levente_pap: wouldnt
tomekkthe2nd: Halo 3 is a typcial console FPS, bad example Ian
ianfreddie07: Oh, sorry
levente_pap: stick to PC
ianfreddie07: FACE OFF 2
ianfreddie07: This http://www.fourhman.com/reviews/images/divdiv1.jpg
levente_pap: well i would on 2 occasions
ianfreddie07: Or this http://z.about.com/d/compactiongames...1/9dragons.jpg
levente_pap: 1: my pc crashed and i had to go back to p2
tomekkthe2nd: 9Dragons = 2moons in japan
tomekkthe2nd: or china
levente_pap: 2:im in an internet cafee
levente_pap: no
levente_pap: 2moons japan=dekaron
ianfreddie07: So you would rather play 9Dragons than DivDiv?
tomekkthe2nd: 2moons = korea....
levente_pap: 9dragons is enterely different
tomekkthe2nd: 9Shitheads takes place in medieval china/japan
tomekkthe2nd: With lovely fantasy elements added in to make it mainstream
levente_pap: i wouldnt play 9drags either,because id had to start from lvl 1 xD
levente_pap: and is kung-fu...
levente_pap: from what i heards
levente_pap: heard*
ianfreddie07: "i wouldnt play 9drags either,because id had to start from lvl 1 xD"
tomekkthe2nd: Soooo?
ianfreddie07: Everyone starts from LEVEL 1
levente_pap: yes,but
tomekkthe2nd: You had to grind to higher levels.... ohh, see?
levente_pap: if its the first game you start
levente_pap: you can dedicate your free time to it
levente_pap: you cant paly more then 2-3 mmos at a time
tomekkthe2nd: You can play 2-3 or more games at a time easily
tomekkthe2nd: Just not mmos, of course
levente_pap: and get owned all the time
ianfreddie07: It's just a matter of how you divide your time
tomekkthe2nd: LOL?
tomekkthe2nd: Owned in what
tomekkthe2nd: Singleplayer games dont own you like unfair mmos
levente_pap: in multiplayer ofcourse
levente_pap: i dont like singleplayer xD
tomekkthe2nd: I play 3 games in multi
tomekkthe2nd: UT, Halo, Diablo
levente_pap: it mekes me feel....
levente_pap: lonly
tomekkthe2nd: You never played a real singleplayer game before
levente_pap: lonely*
levente_pap: i did
levente_pap: hl1
ianfreddie07: http://i37.tinypic.com/5bbdcz.jpg vs http://i27.tinypic.com/2hyyqkz.jpg
ianfreddie07: Left or right?
tomekkthe2nd: Right
tomekkthe2nd: Anytime.
tomekkthe2nd: Not because of the graphics
tomekkthe2nd: That game rocks.
ianfreddie07: Atmosphere wins
ianfreddie07: @Levi: Would you pick the left or the right?
levente_pap: well from the looks,id choose the one that looks better
levente_pap: ofcourse
ianfreddie07: http://gropingtheelephant.files.word...shock-2-02.jpg
tomekkthe2nd: Wait
tomekkthe2nd: there's a vid on youtube about that part
tomekkthe2nd: And yes Levi, those are ghosts
levente_pap: ghosts and phisics,it kepps getting better xD
tomekkthe2nd: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1ctX...eature=related That scene is at the beginning
levente_pap: keeps*
levente_pap: its much like hl1
levente_pap: pretty cool,but looks complicated
tomekkthe2nd: What happened = chick gets turned into a "queen" for aliens by a possessed idiot
tomekkthe2nd: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgpA9...related&fmt=18 check this music out
tomekkthe2nd: Wont this creep you out whilst you're running in small tunnels, being chased by zombies?
levente_pap: its would creep me out more if id be in space somewhere
tomekkthe2nd: The game takes place on a derelict space ship overrun by aliens
tomekkthe2nd: And you're the only survivor...
levente_pap: epic
tomekkthe2nd: Play it. It's scary as hell
levente_pap: fucking headset -.-"
levente_pap: keeps makeing wierd buzz
tomekkthe2nd: lol
ianfreddie07: sorry for the silence, I'm kinda doing something else ;p
tomekkthe2nd: :P
levente_pap: np :P
tomekkthe2nd: what now
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Old 29-08-2009, 10:09 PM   #2
ianfreddie07's Avatar

Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Maryland, United States
Posts: 357

Part 2 involves us talking about a Counter Strike hack, which then turns into random discussion at the end part.


levente_pap: ian,ever played kz? xD
ianfreddie07: KZ?
levente_pap: its not about graphic
levente_pap: its all about abusing the counter-strike enginge
tomekkthe2nd: CS bug abuse jumping
levente_pap: engine*
tomekkthe2nd: Not the engine
levente_pap: yes,the engine
tomekkthe2nd: Engine =! Gameplay mechanics
levente_pap: its a bug the if you strafe in mid air,you get high speed
ianfreddie07: wtf
levente_pap: w8 xD
levente_pap: ill send you a guide on how to learn it
levente_pap: then a pro's vid
ianfreddie07: There is nothing pro about exploiting a bug in an engine
levente_pap: its fun (for me) and addictive
levente_pap: in this one,it is
levente_pap: its not 1 bug
levente_pap: it a network of bugs
tomekkthe2nd: its 1000
levente_pap: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUtxsfuymxc&feature=fvst
levente_pap: this is a noobie guide
levente_pap: its how you do the the jumping
levente_pap: i whatched this and learned it
tomekkthe2nd: certainly makes the game more realistic
levente_pap: yes,it does xD
levente_pap: i even have a few vids of be bhopping
levente_pap: its not on youtube though
ianfreddie07: I am not gonna use hacks to vwin
levente_pap: its not hack
tomekkthe2nd: Bug abuse
levente_pap: its all legal
ianfreddie07: Bug abuse is the perfect term
levente_pap: yes,it is
levente_pap: you got it how to do it right?
levente_pap: in mide air
levente_pap: you strafe to left or right
tomekkthe2nd: What's the point
tomekkthe2nd: It's not going to save your ass in combat
levente_pap: the hole point is the map
levente_pap: it can give you certain advantages
tomekkthe2nd: bug abuse advantages
levente_pap: so? its still an advantage,you get to use it or not
levente_pap: noone stops you
tomekkthe2nd: It's gay to gain advantages via bugs
ianfreddie07: Agreed
levente_pap: so what?...you dont like advantages?
levente_pap: and besides
tomekkthe2nd: Advantages through normal ways
ianfreddie07: People should play the game THE WAY IT'S INTENDED
tomekkthe2nd: Not fucking bugs
levente_pap: it couldnt count as an advante till you learn it properly
tomekkthe2nd: No one plays CS like that Ian
levente_pap: to learn it properly takes like...3/4-1 year
tomekkthe2nd: Thats the sad thing
ianfreddie07: I know
levente_pap: i do
tomekkthe2nd: Yeah right
levente_pap: but
levente_pap: cs and kz
tomekkthe2nd: Teamwork is how you need to play
levente_pap: are 2 entirely different things
tomekkthe2nd: Not run and gun for the score and ego
levente_pap: in kz the main goal is to finish the map from start to end
tomekkthe2nd: Which most people do
levente_pap: in cs is to kill the enemy..
tomekkthe2nd: No
tomekkthe2nd: Teamwork.
levente_pap: with teamwork..to kill the enemy
tomekkthe2nd: Most people dont teamwork
tomekkthe2nd: Becuase it requires an IQ of 90
levente_pap: i dont teamwork,because usually 75% of my team get in my way
tomekkthe2nd: See?
levente_pap: they wont let me go throu doors,etc.
levente_pap: ifcourse i get annoyed -.-"
tomekkthe2nd: 99% of players are fucking ******s
levente_pap: so i go alone instead
tomekkthe2nd: 60% uses hacks
levente_pap: i dont
levente_pap: never done
tomekkthe2nd: Nor do i
levente_pap: but!
tomekkthe2nd: Many people do and call themselves pros for it
levente_pap: if theres a bug i can abbuse
levente_pap: ill go for it
tomekkthe2nd: Both are gay
levente_pap: for example
levente_pap: theres a bu
levente_pap: g
levente_pap: which makes you climb the leddars faster
levente_pap: now why wouldnt i use that? o.O
tomekkthe2nd: Its gay
tomekkthe2nd: Thats why
levente_pap: because you cant use it
tomekkthe2nd: I dont even want to
levente_pap: if youd use it,it would be
levente_pap: man,its there,ppl use it,its legal...why dont you accept it?
tomekkthe2nd: If I'd want to I could have learned already
tomekkthe2nd: I dont
levente_pap: sometimes,you have to addopt,or be left behind..
levente_pap: addept*
tomekkthe2nd: THAT IS STUPID.
levente_pap: brb 5 mins
levente_pap: im back
ianfreddie07: wb
levente_pap: wb?
tomekkthe2nd: wlecome back
levente_pap: oh
levente_pap: right xD
levente_pap: ok,so you guys dont like bug abusing
levente_pap: i get that
ianfreddie07: Yes
ianfreddie07: It ruins the game
levente_pap: but,these bugs actually make a new game out of counterstrike
levente_pap: its like a mod
tomekkthe2nd: LOL?
levente_pap: but its already incorporated
tomekkthe2nd: Just because you can jump the impossible doesnt mean it's a new game
levente_pap: but its a new gameplay
tomekkthe2nd: it's just a bug
tomekkthe2nd: not gameplay
ianfreddie07: BUG
levente_pap: who cares as long as its fun
tomekkthe2nd: It's not
levente_pap: it is ....and its not about graphic either
tomekkthe2nd: You just owned yourself
levente_pap: ian im gona give you a vid
levente_pap: just lemme search for one
levente_pap: its counterstrike graphic..im used to it
tomekkthe2nd: what?
levente_pap: ian do you like rock?
ianfreddie07: Metal
ianfreddie07: gah
levente_pap: hm?
tomekkthe2nd: What did you want to show us?
levente_pap: me?
tomekkthe2nd: Yes
levente_pap: oh just a kz vid
tomekkthe2nd: "ian im gona give you a vid
Levi: just lemme search for one
Levi: its counterstrike graphic..im used to it"
levente_pap: but im searching for a good quality one
ianfreddie07: I'm an idiot. I thought that the capital city of turkey was Istanbul. Stupid brain. I KNOW IT'S ANKARA
levente_pap: xD
ianfreddie07: I wasn't sure of Estonia's capital
levente_pap: ok Ian i think i got one
ianfreddie07: What
levente_pap: a kz vid,its pretty high quality
levente_pap: it lags for me
levente_pap: if it lags for you too
ianfreddie07: I don't want to see hack videos
levente_pap: just add fmt=6
levente_pap: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keaZ1...eature=related
levente_pap: your decision to view it or not
ianfreddie07: Definitely not
levente_pap: ok
tomekkthe2nd: kz...
levente_pap: yea,i said its kz,didnt I? o.O
tomekkthe2nd: we DON'T care
levente_pap: fine
tomekkthe2nd: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtJRNyPK-lc&fmt=18 check this
tomekkthe2nd: funniest shit in the world
ianfreddie07: fmt=6
ianfreddie07: not 18
levente_pap: i dont play it because meany ppl play it,i play it because i like its,its very fun for me
tomekkthe2nd: FMT=18 44khz stereo
levente_pap: got headset,doesnt matter
tomekkthe2nd: crazy indians
ianfreddie07: Levi, point is...
ianfreddie07: You fail for having fun with a bug exploit
levente_pap: you say so because think of it as bug abusing..think of it as something else
levente_pap: anything else
levente_pap: a game,a mod
tomekkthe2nd: It IS bug abusing
ianfreddie07: What else should I think of it?
tomekkthe2nd: You cant deny that
tomekkthe2nd: Game, mod != bug...
levente_pap: then lemme ask you guys a question
levente_pap: ok?
tomekkthe2nd: Shoot
tomekkthe2nd: (do it)
ianfreddie07: OK
levente_pap: so,in cs 1.4
levente_pap: if you bhopped,you could reach speeds of 2000 unit/secs,which is way higher then he normal 250u/sec with knife
levente_pap: they changed this
tomekkthe2nd: SO? It's a fucking bug
levente_pap: you get back to 250 u/s when you reach 300+
ianfreddie07: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pm4FLLhLuvM
levente_pap: why didnt they take it out enterly?
tomekkthe2nd: They didn't notice, obviously
levente_pap: why did they leave bhopping possible?
ianfreddie07: Because they're idiots
tomekkthe2nd: Because the developers wanted the game to be played like it should have been
ianfreddie07: For not fixing Bunny hopping and making the game fair
levente_pap: with bhop?
tomekkthe2nd: And CS was originally developed by 2-3 people
ianfreddie07: So they can't fix ALL the bugs
levente_pap: but bhop is still possible,so its "fair"?
ianfreddie07: No
tomekkthe2nd: No
ianfreddie07: It's a BUG
levente_pap: so why did they leave it like that?
tomekkthe2nd: 1)They didn't notice
tomekkthe2nd: 2)They're idiots
levente_pap: they could correct it,its just a few lines of code
tomekkthe2nd: 3)"They pity the fools"
levente_pap: ok,then why dont the fix it now?
tomekkthe2nd: 3)
ianfreddie07: If you think it's easy correcting the code, why don't YOU fix it?
levente_pap: because im not a developer,and i dont get payed for it
ianfreddie07: "its just a few lines of code"
levente_pap: please stop writing like that (Ian edit: I was going big size text here)
tomekkthe2nd: No normal human would ever guess to strafe during jumping
ianfreddie07: Done
levente_pap: its annoyeing
tomekkthe2nd: Because it's phisically impossible in the first placd
levente_pap: that makes it fun to do
levente_pap: its imp. irl
ianfreddie07: You can however run sideways and jump
tomekkthe2nd: and you defend CS with realism and now you tell that a non-realistic thing is good...
levente_pap: oh and another thing
ianfreddie07: CS Fanatic...
tomekkthe2nd: what
levente_pap: so whatM?
tomekkthe2nd: Last post sums it up
levente_pap: i play whatever i enjoye
tomekkthe2nd: but your arguments fail.
levente_pap: why do i have to get flamed for that? -.-"
ianfreddie07: Yeah
tomekkthe2nd: Flame?
tomekkthe2nd: Excuse me
tomekkthe2nd: We are telling you stuff in a civilized way
ianfreddie07: Your arguments are extremely unintelligent
levente_pap: umm...cs fanatic can be considered as a rude thing..
tomekkthe2nd: Flame would be something like
tomekkthe2nd: OMFG U R A NOOB BHOPPER
ianfreddie07: I call Tommy a UT fanatic
tomekkthe2nd: U SUCK AT CS AND U CHEAT
ianfreddie07: And he doesn't mind.
levente_pap: i never did say that o.O
levente_pap: said*
levente_pap: did I?
ianfreddie07: And we never flamed you
tomekkthe2nd: why do i have to get flamed for that? -> you think youre being flamed
ianfreddie07: We only criticized your arguments
levente_pap: tom,did i say your a UT fanatic?
levente_pap: copy-paste it,i wanna see
tomekkthe2nd: I think you said it once.... or Diablo fanatic... but I didn't mind.
ianfreddie07: Why would you take fanatic as such an offensive word?
levente_pap: i dont use the word fanatic
levente_pap: well it starts with that...then it gets worse
tomekkthe2nd: And that automatically makes it offensive?
ianfreddie07: FAIL
levente_pap: well if you it like that...yes it can get offensive
tomekkthe2nd: ..not
levente_pap: that isnt fanatic...but i understood cs fanatic as cs nerd
levente_pap: so...to me yes,it was xD
ianfreddie07: Levi, I use the term fanatic as a huge fan
tomekkthe2nd: fanatic =! nerd
tomekkthe2nd: fanatic = likes something/worships something like crazy
ianfreddie07: But we use fanatic in a lesser degree
levente_pap: ok then
ianfreddie07: BTW, I don't like System Shock 1's OVERLY DIFFICULT INTERFACE
tomekkthe2nd: It's an old game
tomekkthe2nd: SS2 is no better
ianfreddie07: Can't argue with that
tomekkthe2nd: But that atleast has hotkeys
ianfreddie07: SS1 also uses MIDI right?
tomekkthe2nd: Yes
ianfreddie07: MIDI music is one of my favorites
ianfreddie07: Doom's MIDI
levente_pap: i would like to ask you some questions guys
ianfreddie07: WTF IT'S 11:24 PM
levente_pap: i cant understand some hings..
tomekkthe2nd: We dont mind, go head
ianfreddie07: But ask away
levente_pap: so,why dont you like abusing bugs if its all legal?
tomekkthe2nd: You asked us a 1000
tomekkthe2nd: Times
levente_pap: yes i did
ianfreddie07: Because we don't like to be dirty cheaters
tomekkthe2nd: Answer: It's gay
levente_pap: ...
levente_pap: ill take ians answer
tomekkthe2nd: Cheating in multiplayer is retarded
tomekkthe2nd: anything else?
levente_pap: ok,you consider as cheating....fine,dont use it when you shoot
levente_pap: but...you could use it when your alone
levente_pap: on you local server
levente_pap: just for fun
levente_pap: now why wouldnt you do that?
levente_pap: noone gets hurt
levente_pap: noone gets flamed
tomekkthe2nd: that is different
levente_pap: noone gets banned
tomekkthe2nd: and dude
levente_pap: yes,well i bhop on my local server
tomekkthe2nd: just because something isn't banned
ianfreddie07: You're comparing two different types of multiplayer server
tomekkthe2nd: doesnt mean its legal
tomekkthe2nd: It's like
ianfreddie07: or fair
tomekkthe2nd: Your mom didn't tell you to not watch porn movies, so that automatically makes it legal?
tomekkthe2nd: brb phone
levente_pap: well,when your alone,everything is fair imo,you dont harm anyone,noone sees you
levente_pap: why are you against it even then?
tomekkthe2nd: Im not against it then
levente_pap: the vid i sent you was on a local server,recorded with cs's built in demo recorder
tomekkthe2nd: But you said it gives you an advantage
tomekkthe2nd: Which means you use it on normal servers
tomekkthe2nd: Otherwise, it wouldn't be an advantage now, would it?
levente_pap: yes,i can move with 260 maxspeed!! omg that +10 speed is soo cheating
tomekkthe2nd: It is.
ianfreddie07: It is
tomekkthe2nd: It's like if you could move faster in UT
ianfreddie07: Even with 251 max speed, you're cheating
levente_pap: but noone cares...?
tomekkthe2nd: Other's wouldn't stand a chance
tomekkthe2nd: No one cares.... half the players use bots
tomekkthe2nd: or hacks
levente_pap: thats why admins are around
tomekkthe2nd: Admins dont do shit
tomekkthe2nd: You told me plenty of times they banned your ass
tomekkthe2nd: cause you were good and considered a bot
levente_pap: then go on your local server and bhop,its more fun xD
levente_pap: well thats true
ianfreddie07: I will not play CS online
levente_pap: those were gay guys xD
tomekkthe2nd: Go play on LAN
tomekkthe2nd: That is your business, have fun
levente_pap: ian
levente_pap: you dont have to be connected to the internet to play Kz
ianfreddie07: I don't give a damn about Kz
levente_pap: you just need to click start game
ianfreddie07: Look, LAN is radically different from online
levente_pap: but you didnt give me an answer why...you said its ok to do it when you do it alone
tomekkthe2nd: Yes
ianfreddie07: We have nothing against LAN, but people on the internet have ATROCIOUS HABITS when it comes to online games
tomekkthe2nd: Online gameplay for most people = EGO BOOTS
tomekkthe2nd: *boost
levente_pap: ok fine,lets say that...you didnt pay the bills
tomekkthe2nd: Geez, what is your problem?
ianfreddie07: What does that have to do with our discussion?
tomekkthe2nd: We told you loud and clear
levente_pap: the guy comes
levente_pap: and disconencts you from the internet
tomekkthe2nd: We dont care about kz, but using it online is cheating.
levente_pap: there,no online gaming
levente_pap: so its no cheating
tomekkthe2nd: How does that tie in with our topic?
tomekkthe2nd: ....
levente_pap: listen,you keep getting into online stuff
tomekkthe2nd: Read my 2nd post above.... ^^
ianfreddie07: ....
tomekkthe2nd: Online = multiplayer
tomekkthe2nd: LAN = fun with friends, yourself
levente_pap: i do kz alone not online/multiplayer...
ianfreddie07: WELL DAMN
levente_pap: yes damn!
tomekkthe2nd: You said it gives you an advantage.... =>you also use it online.
tomekkthe2nd: Otherwise... it wouldnt be an advantage
ianfreddie07: Why did you have to go so far as defending it's use online when you just use that Kz thing SOLO?
levente_pap: but i didnt say you should too if you learn it..
tomekkthe2nd: What?
tomekkthe2nd: >.<
levente_pap: nvm -.-"
tomekkthe2nd: You're totally off topic dude
levente_pap: i could be more precise in hungarian..
ianfreddie07: I could be out of place if you spoke hungarian
tomekkthe2nd: Tell me in hungarian
tomekkthe2nd: I could translate
levente_pap: oks
levente_pap: nah szal
tomekkthe2nd: zugjad
levente_pap: hogyha egyedül használod,NEM online
tomekkthe2nd: 10szerre mondom
levente_pap: deh mégis aztmondjátok h nem érdekel titeket
levente_pap: és h gay..
ianfreddie07: When do you translate? LOL
tomekkthe2nd: Nem erdekel ?! es nem erdekel hogy kzzol vagy hogy hogy
tomekkthe2nd: mitoomen
tomekkthe2nd: az mar erdekel hogyha online hasznalod mert az csalas
tomekkthe2nd: @Ian: We dotn care yet we are against it online, is his argument
levente_pap: jó,te nem használnád online ha megtanulnád
tomekkthe2nd: NEM
ianfreddie07: WTF
levente_pap: deh mégis ellen vagy,valamiért
tomekkthe2nd: "Would we use it online if we knew it?"
ianfreddie07: DUH
levente_pap: noooo
levente_pap: thats not what i wrote -.-"
ianfreddie07: 90% of the gamers would do that
tomekkthe2nd: Levi, I just made it plural
levente_pap: i wrote:you wouldnt use it if you knew how to
tomekkthe2nd: He originally reffered to only me
levente_pap: so no cheating
tomekkthe2nd: NO WTF
levente_pap: but even that you refuse to give it a chance
tomekkthe2nd: Your english fails
tomekkthe2nd: ohh wait
levente_pap: then*
ianfreddie07: LOOk
tomekkthe2nd: wtf I thoguht there was a question mark there. I fail
tomekkthe2nd: Sorry
ianfreddie07: LOOK. To end the argument.
tomekkthe2nd: "Rickrolls himself in his shame"
tomekkthe2nd: Levi figy
levente_pap: figyelek
ianfreddie07: Tom and I hate anything related to exploiting a bug in a game because it's gay and cheating.
ianfreddie07: You think it's fun, but we don't.
tomekkthe2nd: A baj az hogy online ezzel "jobb" vagy mint a tobbi, ami nem tulzottan fairplay
levente_pap: thats what im trying to say here...when your alone,its not considered cheating
tomekkthe2nd: Es mi utaljuk az ilyet. Foleg en, mert ezert utalatam meg okrore a CSt
tomekkthe2nd: ES 100DSZORA
ianfreddie07: You don't understand, Levi. When you cheat, you cheat yourself.
levente_pap: deh mégis nem szeretitek mert csalás..
tomekkthe2nd: MERT AZ ONLINE
tomekkthe2nd: omfg olyan nagy dolog felfogni?!
levente_pap: deh nem ONLINE -.-_""""
ianfreddie07: TRANSLATE
tomekkthe2nd: wait
levente_pap: fuck -.-"
levente_pap: brb 2 mins
tomekkthe2nd: TE MEG ARRA UTALTAL
tomekkthe2nd: bazdmeg
ianfreddie07: Translate
tomekkthe2nd: @Ian: We dont care of lan, yet its still cheating
tomekkthe2nd: No of*
ianfreddie07: What does this mean
tomekkthe2nd: We dont care if you play kz alone
ianfreddie07: deh mégis nem szeretitek mert csalás..
ianfreddie07: What does that mean
tomekkthe2nd: = if you use it online, (its an advantage) its cheating
ianfreddie07: Jesus christ. I'
ianfreddie07: I'm getting sick of his denial
tomekkthe2nd: My translation is not entirely accurate, but it says the point
tomekkthe2nd: Please, tell me if I'm wrong
ianfreddie07: Slightly smaller but Levi, READ THIS. ANY BUG THAT IS EXPLOITED IS CHEATING
tomekkthe2nd: Ian, if he only uses it in LAN for himself, its not cheating at all
ianfreddie07: oops
tomekkthe2nd: It's basically a new gameplay method sort of
ianfreddie07: Better/
ianfreddie07: ?
tomekkthe2nd: Agreed 100%
levente_pap: im back
ianfreddie07: And Unreal Tournament > Counterstrike
levente_pap: i like cs better,though
ianfreddie07: And DOOM > CS
tomekkthe2nd: Doom = God and Father of FPSs
levente_pap: i like cs better,though
levente_pap: fine,noone said to you to use it online
tomekkthe2nd: You can't enjoy anything else but HL
levente_pap: keep it to yourself,use it on lan
tomekkthe2nd: Levi you reffered to it
tomekkthe2nd: "It's an advantage" obviously means you tried it online...
levente_pap: fine,my mistake,i take it back
tomekkthe2nd: Ok.
tomekkthe2nd: End of argument. Agreed?
tomekkthe2nd: Yes
levente_pap: fine
tomekkthe2nd: New topic = ??
ianfreddie07: THIS 32 SIZE TEXT SAYS
ianfreddie07: CASE CLOSED
ianfreddie07: bitches )
tomekkthe2nd: xD
ianfreddie07: New topic = MUSIC
tomekkthe2nd: Metal ftw
levente_pap: fine whatever,i'd still have things to say,though xD
tomekkthe2nd: Fly to live
ianfreddie07: Metal ftw indeed.
tomekkthe2nd: Live to fly
tomekkthe2nd: Aces high igghhh!
ianfreddie07: Nightwish = :x
tomekkthe2nd: The Prodigy = B)
levente_pap: i like nw too xD
tomekkthe2nd: B-)
ianfreddie07: Eiffel 65 = epic
levente_pap: aww man i wanna reopen the closed topic
tomekkthe2nd: what?
levente_pap: the kz topic was closed,i wanna reopen it xD
tomekkthe2nd: Why?
tomekkthe2nd: To get pwnd again?
levente_pap: yea sure
ianfreddie07: http://tinyurl.com/38z4en <- OMFG KZ VIDEO
levente_pap: sure xDD
levente_pap: so...i know theres a hl 2 mod
ianfreddie07: Seriously
ianfreddie07: That's a Kz video
tomekkthe2nd: That adds kz
tomekkthe2nd: like we care about it
levente_pap: where you get a pickaxe thingy insted a knife
levente_pap: and you got 1 objectibe
levente_pap: get to the top by any means
levente_pap: so theres absolutely no cheating there
levente_pap: because everything is allowed
levente_pap: yet you would still consider it as such..
levente_pap: why?
ianfreddie07: http://tinyurl.com/kq5qyt This is the most awesome Iron Maiden song ever. I hate long URLs.
tomekkthe2nd: It's a new mod with new rules
tomekkthe2nd: Its no the core game
tomekkthe2nd: You fail again
levente_pap: its an example
tomekkthe2nd: That is Not CHEATING
levente_pap: so you would actually use the "bugs" there
tomekkthe2nd: Because it's designed that way
ianfreddie07: GOD DAMN IT
levente_pap: just listen -.-"
levente_pap: when you go to a Kz map,"it's designed that way"
tomekkthe2nd: But using kz bugs on real servers isnt.
tomekkthe2nd: nevermind, you're hopeless.
levente_pap: fine,you dont use them on normal servers then
levente_pap: but why are you against kz MAPS then??..
ianfreddie07: Can we talk about OTHER GAMES?
tomekkthe2nd: Yes
levente_pap: not realy i wanna go kz a little
tomekkthe2nd: bye then
levente_pap: C ya
tomekkthe2nd: coward :P
levente_pap: ian wanna add me?
ianfreddie07: Sure
ianfreddie07: Now wha
ianfreddie07: what
tomekkthe2nd: dunno
levente_pap: im talking with my clan leader
tomekkthe2nd: k, mr hardcore gamer
ianfreddie07: Z's gameplay reminds me of DoW in a way
tomekkthe2nd: Take command posts
tomekkthe2nd: Crush the enemy
tomekkthe2nd: Im bored
ianfreddie07: It's 12 am
levente_pap: i always got something to do
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Old 31-08-2009, 02:50 PM   #3
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You seriously think someone will read this?
[14-12, 16:08] TotalAnarchy: but the greatest crime porn has done is the fact that it's all fake and emotionless, that's why I prefer anime hentai frankly
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Old 31-08-2009, 04:49 PM   #4
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You seriously think someone will read this?
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Old 31-08-2009, 04:59 PM   #5
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I read it.srsly.
Poor Levi,2vs1 LOL
I no longer haunt these realms.
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Old 01-09-2009, 03:12 PM   #6
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