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Old 19-08-2007, 08:46 PM   #1
10 GOSUB Abandonia
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Quest For The G.E.C.K.

The game is Fallout 2, your mission is to create a character that you believe will be able to progress to level 10 the fastest, through doing a variety of quests in the world.

You will be able to choose from a certain selection of towns, as you advance in levels, new towns will open up, and you will be able to travel there and pick up any new quests.
Buying weaponry, amassing weaponry, and finding the right items will be very important.

Your goal is to find the G.E.C.K. a miracle machine that will keep your dying tribe from fading in the wasteland. That is, before anyone else does.

The system will work something like this.



Character Creation - First thing is to create your character, he will have your account name, and you will specify what attributes he will have, what skills will be tagged, and what traits (optional) he will possess.

Character Advancement - When you happen to level up, I will ask you what skills you want to boost, when the time comes for a perk (explained later) you will be able to choose from a list I'll prep for this game.

Quests - Upon entering a town, I'll give you a list of the available quests, and their difficulty, usually, the higher the difficulty, the more EXP you're likely to earn, of course, this isn't always true, so choose wisely.

Finding The G.E.C.K. - While doing quests in the like, you will have to advance to level 10 before you can actually actively begin searching for the item itself, you will have to find the location of Vault 13, and from there you can get the item, whatever method you use is yours to choose.


How To Play

Turns - I will give you your options, depending on the area, whether you're in a long round of combat (I will mostly do shorter combat encounters myself to the best of my abilities) the quest you're in, an area you want to travel to, and etc. Each action will cost a certain amount of TP, Time Points, a single round is segmented into 20 TP. Depending on various stats, or skills (such as Outdoorsman) some activities might take longer or less time depending on your skillfulness.

Also, when you have TP left over from a previous turn, HALF of that TP will translate along into the next turn, so you can actively save TP for big ventures. Of course, while you're doing this, you'll be using up more turns, and the person who wins is the person who can finish in the LEAST amount of turns.

Someone may reach the G.E.C.K. before everyone else because they use up a ton of turns doing smaller quests in a faster succession, they finish with say, 74 turns, but then someone else, who isn't going so fast, does some big quests and ends up at 56 turns. Don't rush.

Checklisting - Since it's too confusing to give a person the breadth of choice that is "What do you want to do now..." in a game as expansive as Fallout 2, I will give you a LARGE list of options available to you, from this you will see your available TP, how much TP each action costs, and if it's possible to do that action. You post your list of what you want to do, IN WHAT ORDER YOU WANT TO DO IT in descending order. I will execute these commands, and give you a summary (with screenshots of your deeds).

Big Hints - Whine about me spamming your inbox (Tee hee) but when you're doing specific quests that give the location of Vault 13 (which has the G.E.C.K. you are looking for) I will PM that info, along with the brand new choices to you. After that, I'll post a normal summary in the thread.

Combat - Combat will mostly be played by me, but the specifics of it are decided by you, how do you want your NPCs to behave? (if you have any) What weapons do you want to use? What armor? How do you want me to fight (Aggressive charging, or defensive doorway bottlenecking?) Those are all your specifics, you will usually tell me what methods you want to use in POSSIBLE COMBAT SITUATIONS. This means that if there's an area that I predict has a high chance of combat, I will give you the combat options beforehand.

Items - Purchasing weaponry and the like, will be done in a list system, I'll show you what each item in your inventory is worth, and the cost of each item in the NPC's barter list, then you'll be able to choose which items in your inventory you want to barter with to buy an item.


The rules will be...



No Cheating - I have no way of preventing you from looking a strategy guide or a walkthrough, and people that have played the title will probably know their way around, but I will do the best to segment the game into a manner that will allow everyone to have a fair chance. Still, the use of walkthroughs is looked down upon.

Watch Your Turns - It will be your duty to judge what you need to do in a turn, I will give you options, and the amount of cost, but you will have to give out all the orders you can, if you don't use the full extent of your turn, I'm not going to bring it up.

Stay With Your Limit - If you're level 4 and you want to go to New Reno, don't bother asking, I put these limits there for a reason, because certain areas have quests with far higher EXP counts than others which will totally throw off the speed of the game.



Small guns
The use, care and general knowledge of small firearms. Pistols, SMG's and rifles. Very useful, especially for first-time players.

Big guns

The operation and maintenance of really big guns. Mini guns, rocket launchers, flame throwers and such. Neat weapons but not neccessary.

Energy weapons
The care and feeding of energy based weapons. How to arm and operate weapons that use laser or plasma tech.


A combination of martial arts, boxing and other hand to hand martial arts. Combat using your hands and feet. Very useful at the beginning of the game, but can quickly become a liability as a primary combat skill unless you're experienced with the game.

Melee weapons
Using non-ranged weapons in hand to hand or melee combat. Knives, sledge hammers, spears, clubs and so on. Like Unarmed, it becomes increasingly more difficult to rely on as a primary combat skill as the game progresses.

The skill of muscle-propelled ranged weapons. Throwing knives, spears and granades. Good combination when used with melee tag. Throw grenades and then hammer then while they're down!

First aid
General healing skill. Used to heal small cuts, abrasions, and other minor ills. In game terms, the use of first aid can heal more hit points over the time than just rest.

The healing of major wounds and crippled limbs. Without this skill, it will take a much longer period of time to restore crippled lims to use. Similar to First Aid but more effective.

Quiet movement and the ability to ramain unnoticed. If successful, you will be much harder to locate. You cannot run and sneak at the same time. Very useful when stealing or in combination with Unarmed or Melee.

The skill of opening locks without a proper key. Many places in the game will remain unaccesible to you without some ability in this skill.

The ability to make the things of others your own. Can be used to steal from people or places. Why scavenge when you can steal?

The finding and removal of traps. Also the setting of explosives for demolition purposes. A handy skill to have in certain areas.


Covers a variety of high technology skills, such as computers, biology, physics and geology. Must have for inteligent characters! Hacking computers can be a rewarding experience.

The practical application of the science skill. The fixing of broken eqiupment, machinery and electronics. This also covers the ability to disable some devices - you never know when it might come in handy.

The ability to communicate in a practical and efficient manner. The skill of convincing others that your position is correct. The ability to lie and not get caught. Very, very useful throughout the game.

Trading and trade related tasks. The ability to get better prices for items you sell, and lower prices for items you buy. Makes that shiny new weapon easier to acquire.

The knowledge and practical skills related to wagering. Having skill at cards, dice and other games of chance can net you a lot of cash.

Practical knowledge of the outdoors, and the ability to live off of the land. The knowledge of plants and animals. The ability to avoid people and things that mean you harm.


Once you have created your character in there take a screenshot and post it here for me along with your choice of tagged skills, traits, and name, sex, and age, I will record everything in a text file (and save each character) Then create them in a game and their own save game file.

Here is an example of a post for someone who wishes to create a character.

NOTE: Do not, I repeat DO NOT choose traits in the generator I have given a link to, just give me the traits, and I'll show you the result, please don't use that tool for that purpose, use it only to apply stats, if you do otherwise, it will only serve to confuse me.


Name = BloodPigggy

Age = 20

Sex = Male

Traits = Gifted, Fast Shot

Skills = Small Guns, Lockpick, Speech[/b]
There you go, I'd prefer it if you blacked out the row of "23s" in the stat screen, and only presented the stat portion, more organized that way.

I'll post a screeny of your finished character when I have created him, as shown here.

As you can see, all the effects of the traits and skills are there, the attributes, I've tagged the skills that have been specified, check the traits (Gifted gave me +1 to all my attributes) put in the name (which didn't completely fit) the age, and the sex.

Once everyone who has decided to join is ready, and their character complete, the game can start.
First, I would like to show you an example post of a turn.



It is BloodPigggy's turn.
You are level 1, with 0 exp, you are in the village of Arroyo.
You currently have 20 TP.

Available Actions

-Fix Well (3 TP) (VERY EASY)
-Weed Hakkunin's Garden (6 TP) (MODERATE)
-Learn Unarmed From Friend (5 TP) (VERY EASY) (ADD %5 Unarmed)
-Learn Melee From Friend (5 TP) (VERY EASY) (ADD %5 Melee)
-Fetch Friend's Dog (10 TP) (MODERATE-HARD)
-Find Tools To Sharpen Spear (7 TP) (VERY EASY) (Perception Check Required)
-Fight Geckos In Wilderness (10 TP) (EXTREME)
-Leave Village (3 TP) (VERY EASY)
Ok, first I want to fix the well (3 TP) then I think I'll get my spear sharpened (10 TP total) after that, I'll learn melee from my friend (15 TP total) ok, and after that I'll leave the village. (18 TP total) [/b]
The summary will goes like this, REMEMBER, although I'm not using screenshots in this example, there will ALWAYS be screenshots to go with EVERYTHING, for EVERY ACTION.

You fix the well and gain 100 EXP, your cousin, who was crying about it nonstop, is very happy.

(Screenshot Here)

After that, you head to your pal guarding the bridge leading out of the village, (PERCEPTION CHECK ACCOMPLISHED) you notice he's got quite a point on his spear, and you become curious, he explains that with a bit of flint, he can sharpen your spear for you, he says your Aunt Morlis had a piece.

(Screenshot Here)

You got to your Aunt Morlis, unfortunately she is being sour, and refuses to give the flint you (SPEECH CHECK ACCOMPLISHED) convince her that a mere piece of flint is nothing compared to the need of your quest in the best interest of the village, she understands and hands you the flint.

(Screenshot Here)

You hand the flint to your buddy at the bridge, and after a bit of work he hands you a brand new sharpened spear.


You decide to head to another one of your pals in a tent in the village, he says that he has some tips that could prove useful in the wasteland, after a short lesson, you've learned a bit more about melee combat.


You cross the bridge after saying farewell, you are now in the Wasteland.
To continue with new options, respond to this post, if you want an exact list of all experience and etc. gained, specify so in your post.

(Screenshot Here)[/b]
Also, you can always request a screenshot of your character screen.

So that's how it goes down.
Now everyone who's interested, start whipping up those characters!
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Old 19-08-2007, 10:44 PM   #2
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gufu1992: DMITRY
Matt_Samyel: MATT SAMYEL
the_fifth_horseman: DEREK
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Old 30-08-2007, 03:41 PM   #3
Matt Samyel
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ST 7(+1)
EN 7(+1)
PE 6(+1)
IN 5 (+1)
AG 9(+1)
Luck 1 (+1)

Bloody Mess

Small Guns

Name: Matt_Samyel
15 years old

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Old 30-08-2007, 03:58 PM   #4
Abandonia nerd
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Blood-Pigggy - You're "The Chosen One" k:

War... War never changes...
God, protect me from my friends. I'll get through with my enemies by myself.
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Old 30-08-2007, 07:47 PM   #5
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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Matt Samyel @ Aug 30 2007, 11:41 AM) [snapback]307820[/snapback]</div>
ST 7(+1)
EN 7(+1)
PE 6(+1)
IN 5 (+1)
AG 9(+1)
Luck 1 (+1)

Bloody Mess

Small Guns

Name: Matt_Samyel
15 years old

Yay, someone else!

Now only one problem before I make that character, you didn't give me your charisma score!
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Old 30-08-2007, 09:32 PM   #6
Inscrutable annoying boss
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Dmitry was one of the only people in the village who could read, write, and knew how to operate with weapons. Being relatively weak and a bit thin - never liked carrying large objects, although could if needed. Dmitry didn't had a perseption of a sniper, charisma of thiefs, or even much of luck - He's intelegence and ability to jump away from the danger before it comes to his spot, allowed him to survive quiet a few.... situations. He loved to see traders... well actually - he loved their guns. Either by given by traders to shoot from a little plastic BB gun, to stealing a double barreled rifles - Dmitry felt more powerfull and often cleared a surrouding area of the village from any signs of living creatures. Thinking hovewhere what he has learned to aim is a false idea - Dmitry never aims, he just pushes the trigger untill enemy is dead. He is able to shoot the enemy before he knows what hit him. Of course - having traders be afraid of tribesmen with guns is not a good thing for the village - so he puts weapons back. And although traders notice lack of ammo in the morning - they usually think what kids took them to play with them as toys. From early life hovewhere - Dmitry had saw many bloody and horrible deaths. No knows what is going on - but many think what he is cursed.
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Old 31-08-2007, 03:27 PM   #7
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Yours has been added Gufu, I'm still trying to work out Matt's, for some reason my screenshots of Fallout 2 end up all scrambled. I'll find a way around it, but I just copy and pasted your entry after creating it in the game for myself to see if it was possible, it was (obviously) but for some reason all my skills were at a lower percentage than the ones shown in your screenshot, which is very strange.

Ok, Matt's is being added.
Matt, your character ended up being a lot different than what you posted since the way you allocated your character points made it totally unnecessary to bring luck to such a low level. Since you didn't add any Charisma stat in your post I decided to leave it at base, and I subtracted 2 from luck and added to a few other attributes, there were still points left.

Your character ended up being stronger than you intended I guess, it's up there though, so if you want me to change it in anyway just drop a line.
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Old 31-08-2007, 03:34 PM   #8
The Fifth Horseman
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Name: Derek
Age: 21
Gender: Male

ST 5 (6)
PE 7 (8)
EN 5 (6)
CH 2 (3)
IN 8 (9)
AG 9 (10)
LK 4 (5)
(numbers in the brackets are after applying the +1 bonus from Gifted)

Traits: Skilled, Gifted
Tag: Small Guns, Melee, Barter

"God. Can't you people see I'm trying to commit a crime against science and nature here?"
-- Reed Richards
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Old 31-08-2007, 04:39 PM   #9
Matt Samyel
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OOPS my charisma will be 5(+1)
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Old 31-08-2007, 04:52 PM   #10
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Alright, well then it's good as is, I might need to test something, Fallout 2 acts weird when windowed, I'm also working on your character now Horseman.

Ok, Horseman has been added, although I'm really weirded out by his decision of traits.
This is merely a suggestion, but Gifted totally negates Skilled.

Gifted adds 1 to all stats with the negative effect of removing %10 or %20 from all skills (forget which actually) and also you receive less skill points per level, the removal is somewhere around 5.
Skilled only adds 5 per level, at the expense of perks, you will only receive perks at every fourth level, whereas everyone else will receive them every third.

Basically, the combination of Skilled and Gifted cancel each other out with the effects of more stat points, normal skill leveling, but the loss of perks as levels go on.

You're free to change your character before the game actually starts, which is my suggestion with Horseman's hero, but once the game does start, it will be too late, so be sure if you actually want what you gave me.

The game will start once everyone says they're ready, we have enough people.
Oh and Matt, the screen doesn't have Bloody Mess grayed out as selected, but it has been selected for your character.
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