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Old 10-12-2010, 03:01 PM   #1
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Default WarWizard

Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!

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Old 10-12-2010, 10:20 PM   #2
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One thing to keep in mind - if you save a game in one of the slots and then save later in the same slot, it doesn't update all files in that savegame folder but only one or few which produces few minor bugs. Those are for example, if you save a game before buying an expensive item in a shop then load it again if you don't want the item, you'll end up still having bought that item and spent your gold for it already and there's no way to undo that.
Some other things also can happen with that system like saving before attacking some stationary creature on the nearby field just to see what he drops after the battle, then loading the game only to discover it still being killed and gone forever.

This can be circumvented by keeping two savegame slots occupied and saving the game before such critical moments not in the same slot but the other one. In that case the game overwrites all files in that other save folder and the above mentioned bug doesn't occur, i. e. you bought an item and after loading the game you didn't just as it should be.
Since the game was so little known there's unfortunately no patch for this bug and few other minor ones.

One other thing to keep in mind which is critical to the game progress - when you free the wizard Genethar who has one Portal spell memorized, under NO circumstances cast it just for fun as he does not have it in his book and can't ever again memorize it, which would leave you stuck in the game without being able to progress at a certain point (unless you cheat / hex-edit).
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Old 14-10-2011, 01:02 AM   #3

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Awesome. I've been looking for a copy of this game ever since I found the war wizard demo on a bbs years ago. I can't wait to get into this game and finally explore this game finally.
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Old 10-08-2013, 08:46 PM   #4

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Default Stuck in Warwizard 1

I just started WarWizard 1 again recently. I have some questions:

1. Where do I find the 1st lvl. sorcerer and magician spells for my Warwizard? I want the search spell but don't want to use a sorcerer just for that. Should I explore cities or just fight in dungeons to get spells? Are there any spells I can find in a dungeon as well as in the shops?


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Old 11-08-2013, 09:17 AM   #5
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Most spells can be bought in cities. Some can be found in dungeons, though I think none that can't be bought also. However not all cities offer the same spells, so you'd need to explore a bit and visit other cities.
Of course, proceed cautiously and save often, as in some areas you will often encounter enemies which might be too much for your party. It doesn't hurt to grind a bit also, to increase each party members' armor class and attack, before exploring further.
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Old 12-08-2013, 09:57 PM   #6

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Default ATT and AC

Originally Posted by Scatty View Post
Most spells can be bought in cities. Some can be found in dungeons, though I think none that can't be bought also. However not all cities offer the same spells, so you'd need to explore a bit and visit other cities.
Of course, proceed cautiously and save often, as in some areas you will often encounter enemies which might be too much for your party. It doesn't hurt to grind a bit also, to increase each party members' armor class and attack, before exploring further.
I increased my evasion proficiency 1 level, but it didn't increase my ac. Is AC related to damage absorption, and evasion is a separate check? Does it increase with every level of evasion? What about attack? Does every level of weapon skill increase my listed attack?


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Old 13-08-2013, 01:49 AM   #7

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Originally Posted by rayres2007 View Post
I increased my evasion proficiency 1 level, but it didn't increase my ac. Is AC related to damage absorption, and evasion is a separate check? Does it increase with every level of evasion? What about attack? Does every level of weapon skill increase my listed attack?


Further notes: I am using DosBox to run the game. Perhaps I messed up when backing up save files in Windows Explorer? I copied the whole game directory each time. What about the Amiga version? Should I see a change in attack values with different weapons equipped if I have proficiency?? I tested, and my atm and ac go up when I use the enchanter spells that raise them. Yet, increasing my proficiency/evasion doesn't increase my ac or atm. IS THIS A BUG? If so, how do I hex edit? I can't find the values for AC or ATM in my hex editor.



Last edited by rayres2007; 13-08-2013 at 01:58 AM.
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Old 13-08-2013, 04:58 PM   #8
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Those two defense and attack values, displayed on the big blue-black shield and axe in the statistics screen, inscrease only 1. when your Strength and Dexterity values increase (through drinking potions) and 2. when you're wearing one or two (the game doesn't seem to register more than two) Rings of Protection in the inventory, in the Body area. And through the enchant spells, but then only temporarily. Those proficiencies cannot be trained up.
They directly affect your chances of avoiding being hit, to hit an enemy (I think) and certainly the amount of damage done when you hit someone.

There're also two proficiencies which can be viewed in the inventory screen, if you click on Torso armor you're wearing and the weapon you're wielding. Since all armor worn in Torso spot is of the same class, your proficiency with it increases effecitveness in either robes, leather armor, chain or plate armor. It is trained only when you receive a hit from enemy.
Weapons are of different classes, so if you're wielding a Longsword, your profiency with any sword (be it Two-Handed or Short Sword) increases the more you attack with it. If you switch later to a War Hammer, it's a different weapon class so you'd have no proficiency in it and need to train it through attacking enemies. Same with Dagger class and Bow (all bows, crossbows and slings) class weapons.
These two proficiencies lower the chance of you being hit by enemies and your chance to hit them with the weapon you're wielding.

Now, I have no idea how exactly the four different proficiency levels co-operate with each other, but I guess (from observing while playing) that they simply stack with each other. The two defense proficiencies don't seem to reduce the damage received, only lower the chance of being hit.

Last edited by Scatty; 13-08-2013 at 05:03 PM.
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Old 13-08-2013, 08:48 PM   #9

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Thanks for your quick response! It is appreciated.

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Old 14-08-2013, 01:01 AM   #10

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Default Bug?

Originally Posted by rayres2007 View Post
Thanks for your quick response! It is appreciated.

I visited Calroman's Keep to the north but couldn't speak to the Duke and Duchess "properly". So, I reloaded and can now speak to the Duke who gives some information. But the Duchess doesn't have anything "special" to say. I tried bribing and threatening her. Do I need more charisma, or is it a bug? Or does she speak to me later or have nothing to say? Can I complete the game without her text?

I had a weird crash as well in this city. I tried from a really old save, and she still doesn't say much.

I got the Key to Gildain from the Duke's room. Is that all I need from here?



Last edited by rayres2007; 14-08-2013 at 01:38 AM. Reason: forgot to mention I got the key
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