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Old 09-05-2013, 03:31 PM   #1

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Default I've been busy :)

Hey everyone

I've started getting into the whole MAME craze and...well...my obsessive compulsive side kicked in and I ended up with this after a couple of weekends:

(Cor. Do you still think it's possible to send off for the "Komic book")

As you can see it is far far from done and needs loads of TLC but the important thing is all the buttons are working and MAME is set up properly

Now obviously I am still very much interested in dosbox and I would like to eventually set this up with some older games, however the few I had when we were younger where the point and click adventure games. I remember fondly the Amiga 1200 age and will probably set up UAE this weekend. This might be blasphemy on here and apologies if it is, but sometimes the Amiga port was often technically superior to the pc version
Casey ducks under the rocks thrown at her

Anyway I know these days you can mix and match to your hearts content and that there must have been some PC exclusives that I've missed, it would be fantastic if you could recommend some nice 1-2 player arcade compatible classics for me

The other question I have is a technical one: The way my control panel works is Windows thinks that it is a couple of game pads. I have heard that there is software that can translate button presses to key presses as in keyboard. Will dosbox be fooled by the same software? If not then will dosbox be okay treating them as game pads?
is still not sure if she plays these old games for the gameplay....or for that awesome demo scene music!
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Old 09-05-2013, 04:52 PM   #2
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Grats, that's amazing. Maybe you can make another one for me? Just kidding

I don't think there are Amiga haters in Abandonia, don't worry.

In DOSBox press Ctrl+F1 for the mapper, this will allow you to map any joystick/gamepad button or direction to any key, or vice versa, as well as keyboard to keyboard.

Now the PC isn't probably the best platform for arcade-like games with simple controls as you must know, you'll likely want to set up some emulators for Sega, Nintendo etc. But looking at my AB favorites for these kind of games (they'll have versions for other platforms so you can always choose other than PC if it's better):

- Budokan

- Crusader No Remorse, and No Regret. I'm not sure if arcade controls will be enough for these, but they may, look into it.

- Desert Strike, Jungle Strike, etc.

- Flashback, of course! Blackthorne, Prince of Persia 1, 2, etc., you name it. 2D action platformers can include some good PC exclusives.

- Why not 3D also? Tomb Raider series, etc.

- Relentless/Little Big Adventure/Twinsen's Odissey 1 and 2.

- Moonstone A Hard Day's Knight. Again not completely sure, but you can probably play it with arcade controls. Really nice game. There's an Amiga version.

- Stunts

- Tyrian 2000

- Wacky Wheels!!

And then in this kind of games you can always look at the "If you like this game, you will also like..." For example I just saw Abuse, I haven't played it a lot myself, but it's a really good arcade game. Or you can search Abandonia by tags, hotseat multiplayer... anything (see the "game filters" to the right):


Life starts every day anew. Prospects not so good...

Last edited by Japo; 09-05-2013 at 04:56 PM.
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Old 09-05-2013, 05:08 PM   #3

Join Date: Jan 2013
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Thanks for the advice! I will certainly look into that ctrl F1 thing! I hope it is happy that the OS is treating it as 2 gamepads, ah I'll stop talking about it and just try it out!

I have set up Mega Drive (I think it's called a Genesis over the pond), SNES and NES emulator, they were much easier than MAME! My Linux buddy has insisted I set up a neo geo pocket emulator too, that sounds interesting, I never even heard of it but he says it would suit the clicky microswitched controls perfectly, I don't know if I'll get him off there if he ever comes to visit!

Here are the stats for nerds (as google chrome has it!):

NEC Computers International motherboard P5S800-vm
Intel pentium 4 2.93GHZ (32bit)
DDR Synchronous 200mhz 2GBs
Radeon 9600
Hitachi HDT72502 (250gb)
some crappy DVD writer
onboard sound

I don't think play station emulation is out of the question, I will have to experiment and do some tweaking.

Of the games you listed the only one I've ever played is jungle strike. I had a friend from a previous life who had it, it blew my mind at the time, especially when he got into the stealth bomber with infinite ammo! It was a really pretty game for the time and your character was so arrogant with his trainers on the white house desk when you died!

I should also mention that if this one goes well and runs everything I want it to run I will be building a coffee table version with a much more modern system in it, This is actually my first go at any kind of DIY/wood working and I think I've got the bug for it, oh dear hehehe
is still not sure if she plays these old games for the gameplay....or for that awesome demo scene music!

Last edited by PrincessCasey; 09-05-2013 at 05:49 PM. Reason: Added a little more.
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