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Old 23-08-2019, 04:56 PM   #1
Hunter Hunted
Abandonia nerd

Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 61
Unhappy I'll be retiring from message boards on 31 December, 2019!

I just don't really enjoy forums any longer. A lot of people that populate forums online are not a full shilling, and I just cannot be bothered with all the commotion now. Most of the message boards I posted on years ago are no longer around either, and any forums that I still go on, are not very active. People still post from time to time, but I don't see the point in carrying on with any of them when it is hardly that exciting.

I've spent the last 2 years dealing with a stalker as well. Look at what he is doing to this forum about relationship discussions. If you're using a mobile, you'll have to click on the index to see all the spam he has posted... and this has been going on for over 2 years by this point. The dude is a complete loon. He even tried to contact people in the film industry that I've worked with, and he sent people to my friend's house in Scotland. He said that producers only give me a part as an extra in films because I pledge money using my retard checks.


Anyway, I've been a big Resident Evil fan since the '90s, but after all the bullcrap from both other fans and Capcom alike, it's time to just draw a line under it and admit that the style of the games we knew, is gone forever. It just ain't worth it. And besides, I really have gave Capcom multiple chances to redeem their past flaws, but all they do is rip off other trends and steal ideas from films and games. It has been years since I have found any of the games in the least bit on the scary side. Now I don't see the franchise getting any better, especially after all the times Capcom have screwed up and disappoined the fans, and Konami does not care about bringing back the Silent Hill series either. Even if they did revive the series, it would probably end up being about as lame as the last several entries were, prior to Hideo Kojima leaving the company.

But what really upsets me is the fact that I came across a guy on YouTube over a year ago, called Nemesis. After all the hassle that I coped with for long enough, this dude felt like my last big chance to make something of myself. We share a similar passion. Nobody on YouTube even comes close to being like this guy. All we get is clickbait garbage from users such as "Michael Does Life" who contributes nothing to the community. Then these other guys started trolling Nemesis and they made videos about his content, claiming he was misleading people. So I made a poor man's attempt at defending him last summer, and because I said things about Americans, he ended up siding with them. They made videos about me too, and a hell of a lot of tweets. I even managed to dox one of them ages ago. So this Ren guy started making even more videos, referring to me as a rat, a woman beater and a loser, and he previously used footage of me touching a mouse.

Nemesis rejected my donation on Patreon today and blocked me. He has been blocking me for a whole year on his YouTube channel, and he only likes my posts if he does not know it's me doing the posting. It truly is a kick in the balls metaphorically speaking, when I've been a massive (and honest) fan of a franchise for 20 years, and I only have nonsense like this to show for my trouble.

Honestly... it's no wonder I consider a permanent retirement my best move here. These trolls even made a page about me on Encyclopedia Dramatica over 10 years ago, and ruined my mental health for like 16 long years by repeatedly doing all of the crap that I've just been telling you about. They had me blacklisted across multiple websites, regularly abused me, and everything. But I've got a condition called PDD-NOS in real life, so I don't have a clue how social situations work.

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