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Old 24-04-2005, 05:00 PM   #3
Games Master

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a quote from gary pitta bread stuffed with kebab meat evry night for tea.
those games are my old freinds but as with many old freinds i know if we met again today would have nothing to say to each to each other
maybe u have nothing to say to your old freinds because you have spent evrey spare second of your time leveling up in mmporg's and u are the kinda ch00b that complains that u get keep getting killed by players who are of the type your char is vunarable 2, i got a coupla word for him, not that the pudgy as h*le gonna read this but, a: dont winge about dieng to pks, stay away from pk areas you lump of rotting gentalia, (mmporg player like that annoy me, if you cant pk, dont!) o wow mister mark twitter you are lvl 60! amazing .... i went out last night got mashed , engineered some sound as a favour, an had cex with my wife after, i no which i prefer i play mmporgs, but i dont complain when i die i figure out why, an i dont go boasting about my stats or lvls in forums cuz its a bit silly really its what you got in real life that counts. also back to the old freinds thing, i do have things to say to my old freinds becuz i love my games but i also have a life outside of them so i always got things i bin doing to talk about to mah old freinds when i go hometown an look em up or bump into them.
wheras you are jus busy playing wow untill you die. i never wished this on anyone but i really hope a genius takes it upon them to nuke his comp or dos him to hell or back. either that or as he pk's im sure many wow clans are seeking his lvl 60 claerly choob built (i aint played wow but im guessing like a lotta games theres a purity aspect an the choobs wi impure chars get kille more often, feel free to flame me if u want but bear in mind i aint played it yet) behind, to skewer it an cook it, he clearly could keep a family going fo a week!

god that article annoyed me if classic games r poo then why are there all these sites, an o wow u got a joystick with c64 games, dude theres an amzing thing called *emulators* someone on this site once said "emulators makin the classics better than they were" which is true, an im sure one day dos box is gonna b able to handle the smoothing trick that nes an snes emmys do. i love old games, i find them to generally be better written with better conversations an story, (to me fallout 2 was the pinnacle of old style chat systems, if u no a better 1 tell me k: ) also it is a fact that becuz the graphics were so simple developers spent a lot more time tweaking the engines, rather than jus boosting the pixel counts, also as companys get bigger they cant afford to take risks, back in the days it seems developers were more concerned with innovating. now they are getting like the pop world an generally speaking imitaiting some1 elses hit for safe bucks. gaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhh

LOL, my longest post yet...anger makes me type faster :ranting:
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