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Old 09-04-2005, 04:00 AM   #41

How about some gameplay discussion...

Who's your favorite character to play with? The first time I played throught his game I used Conrad, (WAY back in the day, this was the first game I got for my Pentium 1 66MHz), and found the game to be easiest with either him, or Michael for the advantage of brute force

So, this time, I'm going with Kieran. He makes it much more challenging to survive the early encounters! However, I seem to rememeber the orginal manual claiming that with a little work Kieran had the most potential, and would be the more powerful of the heroes if you could keep him alive to the later stages of the game. So, I'm anxious to see how Kieran compares with endgame Conrad or Michael. Michael especially seemed to suffer in the late game, it seemed to me, when powerful magic became very useful, and awesome weapons made his brute strengh not as much of an advantage. After all, "Justice" is a powerful sword whether it's being wielded by Michael or Ak'Shel!

The thing I remember most about theis game was learning a very useful RPG lesson: always strip your party-mates right before you're going to part ways with them! I remember the first time I finished the first trip to Roland's and left Timothy behind before heading to the Draracle...all i could think about was all the great stuff he had, (not really great stuff at that stage of the game, but it seemed like it at the time!). So, after dragging that girl out of the Draracle's cave, (Lara? was that her name?), I was SURE to remove all her gear before we said goodbye. I think about that everytime I play any RPG now, and always remove characters' stuff before I do anything that might cause us to part ways....
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