Thread: Internet Lag?
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Old 18-03-2005, 07:21 AM   #1
Abandonia nerd

Join Date: Feb 2005
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Posts: 83

If there's anyone else out there like me who has a 56k or above connection and is running xp with sp2 you should check out this site.

I recently upgraded to a 1mbs connection, and browsing became like lightning, but downloads still didn't seem any faster (25kbs max). I tested my connection at this site, and it showed i was only running at 25% of my potential. But after taking 5 minutes to follow their tips, i was up to 91% and flying!!! (Now i average about 200kbs k: )

It's mostly because of a limit SP2 places on the maximum number of connections your pc can make at once. SP2 restricts it to 10 connections at a time, but normally you'd be allowed upto 50,000!

It boosted my online gaming as well. Playing FPS became alot easier.

Even if you think your connection is doing just fine, take 20 seconds to try their download test, it might shock you.

Before anyone asks, no i'm not affiliated with that site, in any way. But i just couldn't believe how much of an improvement it made, for the sake of a couple of minutes. :w00t:

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