Thread: Wasteland
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Old 06-03-2005, 01:09 AM   #30

Wow. I'm amazed to learn that thanks to the miracles of modern technologies I can relive the frustrations of my childhood. I remember buying this game out of the bargain bin of Electronics Boutique (where all of the games for my totally rockin' Apple 2E as well as many other already outdated in 1993 video games came from) and getting absolutely nowhere. Maybe I was just a particularly dumb child (not at all hard to imagine, between my failure at zork and my special ed math class), but I have very vivid memories of spending hours on this game watching my characters slowly die off after failing to gain any skills or gold, wandering aimlessly in the desert being attacked by mutant rats. Now if they could just make some sort of computer simulation of removing my first bra and sitting on the bench in little league my childhood would be virtually complete.
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