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Old 28-02-2005, 09:31 AM   #43

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*laughs* Well, it was interesting, sure. But with other games like Sly Cooper and Ratchet and Clank they really tend to overshadow the more primitive-seeming Jazz game. Of course, I guess they did come about five years later, but I'm not sure it would have aged -really- well.

Then again, it was just a demo so nothing was 100% completed.

Hmm, and no, I don't believe we used toon shading or anything. It was just the standard ol' engine with textures of a single color. Pretty funny, really.

Again, there probably isn't much I could give out about it. The music, for instance, was remixed in part and ended up in other games Alex did, including the Unreal he worked on. Same thing happened to the game we started up before Jazz - the Circle.

The PC industry is a harsh mistress. Anymore if it's not a first-tier game it hardly has a hope of being published and making much money. Unless it's one of those jewel-case games you see at the checkout stand. But that's almost a separate genre in and of itself. PC games make a lot of money, but then they cost even more to make. I'm not sure what some companies are thinking anymore. Heh.

Consoles have the advantage of being obscure, accepting of far more genres of games, etc. I suppose Jazz was really pushing it by crossing the line to PC, but we didn't know how to make a console game, nor would we have been able to afford a dev kit.
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