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Old 15-02-2005, 03:08 PM   #1
Home Sweet Abandonia

Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Shella, Kenya
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I considered making this a poll, but I realized there are just way too many out there. Who do you consider to be one of the best composers for film scores? What movie helped bring you to this conclusion? WHY do you like the composer so much? I personally have a few, but in order:

1) Danny Elfman. No one can top this genious. Everything from Rock (Oingo Boing) to Edward Scissor Hands (one of the prettiest scores ever written is Ice Dance) to Jazz (He arranged all of the music for Chicago.) This man can do everything and anything. I believe him to be the most unique.

2) Jan A. P. Kaczmarek. He is a rising composer, but his latest work is the music of Finding Neverland, which I find absolutely enchanting. He is very Danny Elfman-like in his arrangements and choice of melodies, but he is aboslutely brilliant. I am actually listening to Finding Neverland as I type this, and it never ceases to amaze me.

3) Probably Alan Silvestri. Although he did rip off almost the entire score of The Polar Express from Danny Elfman's Edward Scissor Hands, he did compose Forrest Gump and the music to Van Helsing (as bad a movie as that was, the music was pretty damn cool.)

Those are probably my top three. Other's would include Han Zimmer because of Gladiator and Pirates of Penzance, and possibly John Williams, although all of his music sounds the same to me. Superman, Starwars, Indiana Jones...they all have almost the exact same theme and chord progression and they are all big and grand and like..."HERE I AM! I WAS WRITTEN BY JOHN WILLIAMS! THIS MOVIE ROCKS WOOOOHOOOO!" However, I do respect the music John Williams wrote for Saving Private Ryan, Harry Potter, and the 2002 Winter Olympics. My two anyone else even into music enough to tell me their favorites or notice the music in movies more than the actual movie itself?
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