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Old 14-04-2020, 03:15 PM   #484
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Default some mobile games

1) Can you escape the 100 rooms - 50 rooms: this is some bullshit find item / point&click combination game, which just doesn't work. Theclunky, unintuitive controls are one thing. But imagine this: right in the first room there is an electrical padlock. There are 9 buttons on it. There are NO clues what you have to type in, how long the sequence is, howmany sequence you need to type in... You actualy have to GUESS like halfadozen combinations, which range from 7 to whatever button pushed.
This is just crap.

2) Shooter. Yes, that's the title. It's your generic arcade shot'em-up. That was one thing I was looking for. The problem is, like with many other mobile games of this kind, that itlags I assume. The plane does not follow your finger fast enough, and even slips from under it. That's just bullshit.
Then for this take into account that the powerups don't make you stronger in the normal sense, they make you BIGGER. Now that's bullshit in these bullet-hell games.

3) Exiled Kingdoms: this is an honestly pretty good RPG. I'm notsurehow RPG it is of course, but you get NPCs, timered skills, skillpoints, quests, areas...
Here is where my problems begin. In a PC-game you have pretty good hardware when it comes to that. On moblie your memory is VERY limited, andI assume very static, the world is not dinamicly created, meaning the whole area -wether you see it or not - is rendered.
Then the graphic: a bit lackluster, like PC decades ago had this quality.
So I think mobile is just not the platform for these kinds of games, especialy considering mobile devices feed on energy, you can't play 24/7.

4) Fallout Shelter: man, I need a manual. The texts are too many, go away too fast, things happen too frequently to read the instructions, and some darn forsight would be welcomed, like I built - as instructed - 4-6 rooms or so, only THEN the game told me, it'd be a good idea to build the rooms expandable. Thank you game.

5) Dark Sword: your average beat-em-up game, like Golden Axe, only simpler but with more abilities. It looks ok.
UPDATE: this is heavily currency-based, and to top it of, aside the highly overpriced shop, it doesn't play the adverts for the by the way miniscule free stuff. So my hopes are diminished. We'll see how far I get. I bet not far.
UPDATE: Well, this thing is crap. You don't get extra moves daily, or other regular intervals. Maybe monthly? So it's uninstall.

6) Swat And Zombies 2: obviously based upon Plants vs Zombies, and is obviously built as a money-thinker, but if I can figure out the monetary system, this might just be fine.
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Last edited by twillight; 20-05-2020 at 02:52 PM.
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