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Old 19-07-2014, 12:12 AM   #367

Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 2

On cyberjudas gambit, how do you deal with those constant "NEWSWIRE says white house is compromised, details sketchy" etc messages. (some are differently worded and have bigger effect) They sap my approval rating and kill my leadership score, making me get impeached less then a month into my first term! The longest I've lasted is January 18th before being thrown out. Since all my stats drop I can't even get it back up because everybody hates me.

They often pop up several times in a row, making the effect even more traumatic!

How do I stop the press from getting at me? I wish I could assassinate my press secretary (You actually CAN assassinate cabinet members via the menu) but sadly there is no such secretary like there was in shadow president.

I've tried using certain crisis options when I find the unauthorized events like restrict press access or deny authorization but I still get a torrent of "DATA suggests the cabinet breach is bigger then first imagined" messages. Each one takes like 15 percent off of my approval rating and as I said I can get several in a row, leading to immediate impeachment. Even if I had the evidence to convict (Not relevant since I get my butt thrown out immediately before I can gather much.) since my approval rating is so low the charges wouldn't stick.

Please, help!

EDIT: I found out what was happening. If you intrude into the advisor's rooms, do NOT try to randomly guess the computer passwords. I was thinking you could just guess. Every time you get it wrong you're locked out of the session and it triggers the "Cabinet security issues" announcements with the popularity drop. Do NOT randomly hit the passwords. I remembered a few of them and noticed I lasted a full month without seeing a single one of those announcements.

So to put it simply, randomly pressing buttons hoping for the best WILL get you impeached very, VERY quickly, so don't do it!

Last edited by toybasher; 19-07-2014 at 03:02 AM.
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