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Old 09-01-2005, 10:09 AM   #3
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Originally posted by Puffin@Jan 9 2005, 10:56 AM
I don't have anything against McD. I don't like it, but that's just my opinion. I don't like the taste of the burgers, and the fact that they put pickles and onions on it :blink: But then again, I love the fries there.
If people like McD, great! Go there! But like most food, if you eat too much of it, well, you know what happens. Just don't blame it on others.

I think it's really stupid, when people are blaming it on McD (and other companies) that they're overweight. And sueing. That's just silly. They need somebody to blame. Stupid, in my opinion. Nobody is telling the people to go to McDonalds... "or else...."

*cough*go subway*cough*

for adults, i agree. but mcdonalds targets children with advertising. or rather they did in the uk until the government threatened to ban junk food ads for kids.
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