Thread: SOPA Law
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Old 09-01-2012, 06:43 PM   #7

Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Oklahoma City, United States
Posts: 22

Originally Posted by DarthHelmet86 View Post
^^^Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahaha.

That is all. Oh no wait one of these too

The whole American system is simply corrupt for one reason only...lobbyists. Legalised bribery in it's purest form. Oh and if you don't like socialism better get rid of that Army and those police, no more roads for you no going to a public school or a private school that gets tax money as well. I could go into a long discussion about how nearly everything you have said is exaggerated misinformation or just out right lies but this isn't a political forum if you want to argue that go find some site that caters to your tastes. Plus this discussion is doubly not about politics but about the SOPA law, a law being pushed by lobbyists.
Lobbyists can't bribe politicians who won't be bribed; it's that simple. SOPA is just a variation on the grab for control of the internet by the SOCIALISTS in government. You can't talk about law, particularly SOPA, w/o bringing politics into it, because that's what it's about.

A lot of us would like to get rid of that army; we're not supposed to have a standing army. We don't need socialism for roads, police or firefighters, and we SURE as hell don't need "public" education, and no, private schools shouldn't get tax dollars either.

We have a government, and have had for some time, whose members think it's their job to make America better; to make people better. The Consumer Financial Protection agency is an example of this nonsense. They stick their noses in and regulate something, then when the regulations don't work out (due to lack of enforcement, idiocy in policy, lack of need for regulation), they try to apply MORE regulation. A long time ago I was taught that there's no such thing as perfect software protection; so long as you want someone to be able to run your software, someone else will be able to hack it. Likewise, there's no perfect regulation; so long as you want people to engage in an activity, some will find ways to do it profitably, regardless of your regulation.

The internet has managed for two decades without regulation. So why do we need regulation in the form of SOPA now?

If those "lobbyists" you decry didn't A) know they could buy legislation and regulation and B) weren't convinced it was a better way to make money than by competing with better products at lower prices, they wouldn't be backing SOPA. Again, the problem is corrupt politicians, not people trying to make money.
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