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Old 10-07-2011, 04:36 PM   #31
Help me!
Angry Argh!

I simply cannot play this game. It doesn't work in Windows at all (although I SWEAR I played it straight out of XP once upon a time), but even in DOSbox I'm having problems. When I attempt to run it, the game says "Requires Level 9 H.U.G.E".

Running ANALYSE.EXE appears to be a setup of sorts (the file called INSTALL is not an executable and cannot be 'run') and it produces several lines of scrolling text that says "Level 9", so I assume that I'm on the right track. After I ran that, the game actually boots when I run DESERT.BAT or HUGE.EXE, but it inevitably crashes when I look at the map, sometimes it still doesn't even run in the first place. I have also tried running the game with HUGE /W as the ANALYSE.EXE screen advises in the event that the first lot of scrolling "Level 9" text doesn't work, even though it actually does.

PLEASE HELP ME! If you could be so kind, please assume I have no knowledge of DOSbox apart from basic mounting drive / navigation commands and spell it out for me step by step. I don't want to overlook something that someone else might think obvious. I've never changed my DOSbox configuration and wouldn't even know how to... and preferably would like to avoid it if it means I'll likely have compatibility issues with my games that already run. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me play this game, I really want to get back into it.

PS. The Amiga version is NOT an option for me, although I would love to play it with those graphics. I looked into Amiga emulators and they are ALL ridiculously complicated and require some Kickstart ROM that costs money and I am not prepared to pay for considering I don't even understand the program that is used to run it and can't guarantee it will work.

PPS. The Turbografx version looks horrible, so that's not an option either.
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