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Old 24-02-2011, 08:12 PM   #44
Forum hobbit

Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Border, United States
Posts: 33

>look around

“You look around the volcano to see if there is any hope of you surviving this. Unfortunately, there is no hope of escape for you and there is no chance that the volcano will not erupt. You relax and try to accept the fact that you are going to die and that your adventure ends here.

All of the sudden, you ropes are broken and you land in what feels like arms.”

>look at arms

“You look up to see that you are being held by a woman with a huge pair of wings. On her back is the little girl from the hut. 'Sir,' she says to you, 'I have come to save you.' You then realize that the girl used Angel Summoning Magic to help you escape from your fiery execution.

The angel brings you and the girl to a small village far away from the hut you were trapped in before.”

>talk to girl

“The girl looks at you and after a brief pause says, 'Sir, you should get away from this land as soon as possible or they will try to find you and kill you.' The girl then gives you a bag and says, 'this should help you escape this land.' After that, the girl hops on the back of the angel and flies away.

>examine bag

“Inside the bag you find; a survival knife, a book on summoning magic, 8 gold coins, and a canteen of water. When you go to put all the items in your inventory, you realize that the British, big game hunting rappers took all the items you had before. You put your new items in your inventory and walk into town with feelings of sadness in your heart.”

A survival knife
8 gold coins
A book on summoning magic
A canteen of water
Feelings of sadness
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