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Old 28-12-2010, 09:43 AM   #6
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Dude you know nothing about what happened. They didn't dump the games in the desert thats just stupid, they went to a tip like everything else. And on a side note that is the left over stock they threw away, since they overporduced the cartridge thinking they would sell a lot more then they ever could. ET did not destroy the game market, the game makers did, they over charged and made a lot of crud games. People got fed up with buying expensive games then finding out they sucked. ET was the final straw.

Six weeks was barely enough time to get the game programmed, and you say thats a long time. Its one of the shortest times to make a game ever. Before you just sprout what everyone else does maybe you should do some research into the topic or maybe listen to someone who actually knows what he is on about.

I am not saying the game is good, but it ain't all that bad for what it is, a rushed movie license game. It got overhyped and overpriced along with nearly every other game from that time.
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