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Old 30-07-2010, 02:06 PM   #27
10 GOSUB Abandonia
20 GOTO 10
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Join Date: Nov 2005
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I feel now that Abandonia has a topic for everything already

I too have this game, somehow in multiply copies. Not that it'd be a particularly good game though...

The game is real-time strategy what uses certain periods of time as rounds, and yes, it can be paused.

It is a VERY boring game, and the controlls are aweful.
First, most of the screen is taken for control-panels. So the actual play-screen is tiny! Also the clicking is not self-evident.
Above this, there are 3 races only by names, they are actually difficulty-settings. The bug-like race it the tutorial (it really has tons of tutorial-messages for its missions to teach you the controlls), the humans (= magicans) are the middle-level, and cyborgs are the "hard" (at least form the order that seems logical, as I didn't finished humans).
All races have the same abilities (ok, in some special magic-skills they differ, but who uses those?), same ships, same buildings - you get the idea. Ok, they require different materials to build from, but I don't rly consider that a difference.

About it being a strategygame: there is only 1 strategy in it: numbers win. Rly, just get yourself covered with as many ships (preferably aircraft, as on 90% of units it is true that: ships can damage ships, submarins can damage ships and submarines, aircraft can damage everything), then invade the whole map.
To build unites you need mines, so you have to know the map, so before every mission you just send out all your starting-ships, scout the fog-of-war away as much as possible, restart the level and capture all the mines. This is 100% important as mines can have their own defenses, what has devastating power. Rly, they can eliminate entire folltas by themselves (not to mention they can be repaired in 0.1 seconds to full health if you have the resources)!

The game has some nice videos in it, but it just doesn't worth the effort if you ask me...
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