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Old 13-07-2010, 09:49 PM   #1

Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 10
Angry Regalsin trolling modern gaming is going downhill

Too much information- You see thanks to the internet people can research games. Then when they try to do the Miyamoto crap, and speak in public they can make things even worst.

Like the reason why I do not buy any new Resident Evil game, is that Shinji said the RE4 was going to be an exclusive along with the Capcom five. Capcom screwed him over and said "We don't do things like that anymore" and
it was rumored Shinji could commit Samurai death over the games. Capcom RE games in my eyes is just them milking the series, in the wrong way.

Too many people downloading- You have people everywhere downloading games that they should buy. Everybody reading this knows it to be true. Hell my computer is it's own personally infinity qaurter arcade. For a person who makes games for a living, this is a nightmare. Sony said " The reason we are not pulling in, as much is thanks to, people downloading the games" . If your a Final Fantasy fan, how many people actually owns the DVD?

DVD is a joke- Since Nintendo created the famicom disk system. People have been making copies of the game, like no tommorow. With the internet people download freely and play 200-1000 dollar games for free, on there computers or special copy devices.

DVD video's has to be the worst problem since MP3 CD's. Half the internet is just people watching free television. If not on Youtube then somewhere else.
Cd stores, Libararies, and even video stores are naked with DVD's on the wall that will never be sold. People could just shoot them selves.

When people make a game on CD it has to be worth the 50 dollar price tag. Buying a game new, is like making a donation, to feed the children. It is like buying nothing.

Too many people who knows what they are talking about is in the wrong business. People knows what is going on, so why not do anything???? How many people have finished there game, they are going to be selling??? the problem is that too many people here have other lives, or feels there current status is enough. Never going to see your film, never going to hear you sing. never going to see your creativity.

Too many people, don't get the Japanese. People think the Japanese is the greatest in the world. People are sooooo victimized by this idea. I know a guy who is a bum, living off goverment aid to stay out of the cold. Imagine a gamer with no toilet.

Gamers...........Is just another word for consumer. Casual means a person who owns like one game. The SIMS, Wii-fit, Doom, Operation Wolf, Mario Land. You see everybody on the earth knows what those games, are and has at least played them at one point in there lives. Your sister might be playing SIMS, or cooking mama, your mother might be playing Wii-fit, or a point and click game. Your fathr might be playing doom, or Operation Wolf. Then when you get down to it you have the hardcore gamers, the people playing RPG's and FPS. Let me tell you, playing an RPG or FPS Online, does not make you a better consumer.

As a consumer your either a T-Rex who eats purple veal made from kiddy veal, or one of the rest of the big happy dinosaurs eatting red inked grey beef.

Too many people are wasting there time. Like this forum, people have to realize. Videogames should never be a subject at all unless your going to make a videogame. It is like being at the jiggly room. Look but never touch.

People need to stay dumb. we need people to know less, so the consumer can be like a child in a candy store or one our parents in Software etc. shopping for a videogame. I remember this old couple ( like grandparents old ), came into Toy's R' Us, at Times Sqaure ( a real nice place to see the average people who buys games ) They asked the guy for FF12, but the old couple never knew what a PS2 was. So the man gave him a PC animal ABC/123 game instead. Now that kid had to be the most saddest kid next to the next story. When I was in Toys R' US by Kings Plaza, I told this woman that FF7 was an adult game and that her son should never be playing this. Now keep in mind, I never knew what the hell FF was at all but the commercials, and seeing some gameplay ( that my cousin would not let me play ). This is the kind of stupid we need to have nowadays, so r-tards can make whatever they want to make and still have phun.

I say just stop making 3d games with too much 3d on system. Go back to the PSX, N64, and Saturn. Hell lets go back to the PC engine, Turbo Grafix,
Mega Drive, and Genesis. Nintendo never evolved past the Famicom, Famiclone days. We need to go back to the twentith century, before Shin-Chan's creator died.
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