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Old 15-06-2010, 07:41 AM   #25

Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Most, Czech Republic
Posts: 6

But Fubb! That means destroying other countries! And that's fascist, unless they're fantasy kingdoms in case of which it's okay!

For the love of Allah people. It's a game. Each day you see action players single-handedly goring hundreds if not thousands of enemies with their guns, often shooting 3D models representing ordinary soldiers with families, private lives, probably a baby and it's mother at home. They don't want to go to war. They don't wanna guard this laboratory. They just thought it'd be easy money in economic recession and then you come along and shoot them! In the head!

It's a game. It's fun, and I loved it. I didn't feel like the game forced me on a particular path, except that it required that all other countries are defeated, which is a fair requirement in the setting of Middle East, when you think about it.

If you're interested in non-fascist solutions try his game, but please, let me have my utterly ruthless simulation of Mid-east power struggle.
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