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Old 19-12-2009, 07:41 AM   #10

Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Highgate, England
Posts: 1,459

Frank Castle, aka The Punisher, sits and munches thoughtfully on his Disintergrated Big Mac and plays with his Happy Meal (tm) Toy. Eventually he decides that the poor state of the world's health - obesity and famine, heart disease and social decay etc... - are largely a result of the West's penchant for Fast and Convenience Food, Maccy D style.

He takes Ronald McDonald into account and judges him guilty of crimes against humanity.
A small smile wells up from within his blackened soul, quickly smothered by his merciless killer instinct; squashed back into the pits of his psyche.

A stern look passes his face. He slowly pulls out a very big gun...

But Frank remembers the two Policemen, from whom he narrowly escaped earlier...

He considers joining the police force, so he can get inside info on the crooks and hoods in town.
"Could over-zealously enforcing rules to suit my own purposes be my one true calling in life", he asks himself.
Frank's always been the Vigilante type, shunning the rules of normal society in favour of the freedom granted by following his higher "code of honour".
Something about having the backing of a book of laws makes him feel a lot bigger than he actually is...
He decides to enlist in the local police force, trusting that, if it all goes wrong, he can always shoot his way out of the situation.

Last edited by Saccade; 19-12-2009 at 08:57 AM.
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