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Old 06-11-2009, 09:06 AM   #108
Default Oooohhhh

I just downloaded it and I still remember most of the moves! :-D
What a great game, we spend hours wrecking huge robots.
Best robot is of course Electra! Incredible good standard attacks, fast as a lightning and the best defensive special ever. Its other specials even combo! 15-hit-comboes? No problem! The only other 'bot with this kind of combo power is the Shredder, but it's no good otherwise and extremely difficult to use. (There's somewhere a shredder.rec on the nets, with a replay of a devastating 18-hit Shredder combo.)
Sadly the AI has some major flaws, like it's a real sucker for the Jaguar's throw, the Katana's head stomp or the Gargoyle's air throw (forgot the name).
Ah, and it nearly never blocks or counters the Shadow's shadow grab, so just throwing lost of them gives an easy victory.
I liked to play with Electra, Shadow and Katana (for pure style), worst bot is the Pyro in my opinion, 'cause it's mighty slow, has a nice thrust though.
You have to use the destruction moves, not only do they give extra credit, but most of the unranked challengers are triggered by destruction and defeating them is really worthwhile money-vise and for special 'bot upgrades.

Gotta go electrocute some lame Novas!
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