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Old 05-08-2009, 06:44 PM   #129

Originally Posted by Claudio View Post
Hi all

I know how to edit rosters for this game. It's really quite easy with a simple HEX editor. However, I have no idea how to change the PICTURES. It would be ridiculous to have, say, Italian teams but with English Premier League symbols and all that.

Does anyone know of a way to open and manage files with extension .VGA? I know it's possible because in the past I've played with Italian, German, and English versions of the game and all had the right team insignia. I just don't know how to do that...

Thanks in advance!

Hi Claudio,

I've started a project on sourceforge with the aim to reverse engineer Bundesliga Manager Professional/The Manager. It's not that far in progress, but you can find information on the VGA format there. You can download two programs as well, one for converting VGA to BMP format and one for the other way round. It's best you have a look at the project wiki; there's not that much there, but I hope it helps. If you're interested, feel free to contribute:

Kind regards,

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