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Old 07-05-2009, 05:55 PM   #10

Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Highgate, England
Posts: 1,459

This is the first draft storyboard for the skyscraper banner. V.01

The idea is that the invaders will blip-blip-blip their way into the line of fire from the turret from the right.

As each one reaches the centre, it is blasted - top one first (as it's the first in the line of fire) - and from each explosion, a letter appears / is revealed...

Nine invaders = ABANDONIA
The word is spelled out and then the second part begins.

(I know that the letters are not formatted, and the invaders are all lined up instead of being staggered diagonally from the right, but this is just the preliminary sketch.)

Once all the invaders are destroyed and the Abandonia letters are displayed:
The letters will start shimmering and the turret will shoot them from the bottom up this time.

The screen clears just in time for the next wave (which is basically a repeat of the first half.)
The animation will stop as the last letter is cleared and restart from the beginning - this should give the impression that it is one continuous cycle (as most cycling gifs / swfs work...)

I'll explain more about it later, because we're going out.

But! Using this idea, we hope to create a small flash game of space invaders.
The shield above your turret will be the letters that spell Abandonia, so you must save the Abandonia city/shields from the marauding space invaders!

Should be fun.

It's either that or I was thinking an Arkanoid / Breakout type game.

Maybe even both...

Anyway, let me know what you think!

Last edited by Saccade; 07-05-2009 at 06:13 PM. Reason: forgot the link - duur
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