Thread: Iceland
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Old 04-12-2004, 01:16 AM   #14
Abandonia Homie

Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Shella, Kenya
Posts: 639

Aaaah one thing I just remembered!!!!

In 1627, bunch of Turkish pirates came, and stole a lot of Icelandic people. Most of the people were from this small island called Vestmannaeyjar ( a part of Iceland).
They took the people, few thousands or something (not sure), and sailed to "The Barbary" as it's called in old documents. Turky, that is.
There they were used as slaves. Most of the people never got back to Iceland, but few years after the kidnapp, the king of Denmark (if I'm not mistaken), bought a lot of the people back.

I read a GREAT book about this, based on Gu?rún Símonardóttir, a lady from Vestmannaeyjar. She and her son were kidnapped, but her housband was left behind. Then she was bought back many years later, but her son couldn't be rescued.
Then she went to Copenhagen (remember, in 16XX, it's a LONG way, going from Turky to Iceland!!) by feet, along with other Icelanders. There they had to stay untill the next ship sailed to Iceland.
There was this Icelandic priest, Hallgrímur Pétursson, who was teaching them about Jesus and stuff, because they had been in islamic country for so long. He was pretty much younger than Gu?rún, but they fell in love. Which was a big deal; he was a priest, and she was basically still married.
And this is all true.
Hallgrímur Pétursson is one of the greatest poets in Iceland. The biggest church (I believe, I don't know of any bigger) is named after him.


That's about what I remember from that event...
Many people got killed. And for a small town like Vestmannaeyjar (lots of Puffins there), it's a great loss.
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