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Old 09-10-2007, 03:11 AM   #1
Game Wizzard

Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Iowa City, United States
Posts: 290

Well, now that I'm barely getting by with my old computer (on account of my new one becoming SNAFU), I switched my torrent client from Azureus to Utorrent. This was partially because I just simply can't run that awesome little blue frog with only 128mb RAM ( :ranting: you try living with this much memory, I dare ya) on Windows XP Professional. The tiny torrent program works awesome and all, and it certainly offers a decent replacement to Azureus, but that's not the main point.

What I'm trying to get at is that I simply can't find some things on .torrent websites, and for this reason I've been giving thought to downloading a more widely-used file-sharing program to find the things that I like. I've heard good things about Emule, but wanted to gather general consensus on the performance of these programs...

And another thing: I'm absolutely, positively, never downloading Lime or FrostWire. My chums have given me far too many horror stories about bundled malware and all-out viral massacre for me to even consider visiting the publisher's website. But then again, I know nothing of these file-sharing programs and am solely relying on the words of those I associate with. If these horror stories are indeed something not to be believed, then just how recommended is downloading above-mentioned Wire programs.

Thank you for your help...I honestly don't know where I'd turn when it came to issues like this if I hadn't accidentally stumbled across the Abandonia Forums 2 years ago.
I did it for the lulz!
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