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Old 19-09-2007, 03:36 PM   #2
The Peacemaker
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Not only can you, should you keep secrets? If so, from whom and why?[/b]
As Dr. House says: "Everybody lies" And he has a point there.
Everybody has secrets. I think the problem is not IF you should, but HOW you should keep them. They say a secret is no longer a secret when another person knows about it. There is always the question/fear about if you should trust another person enough to tell that thing you want to keep from others. And if you already told, will that person tell anyone else?

They say the best way to keep a secret, is to tell nobody. But unfortunatly, that thesis is evidently flawed, because of human nature. Most people just can't keep a secret. It's not because they are bad persons, but humans are inherently social creatures, and the need to share things with others is always there. Some people even enjoy sharing "secrets" with others, that is called gossip. That's what supposed to be (should've been) a secret, but now everyone knows about it, still they go about it as "don't tell anyone, but...", or "I shouldn't tell you this, but...". The best possible way to keep a secret, is in your head. The more place you note it (on paper, tell to friend...etc), the chance of it getting into the wrong hands grows exponentially.
When does it cross over from the 'I was trying to protect you' to 'you lied to me'?[/b]
The topic about where to draw the line between a white lie and an outrageous deception is a slippery thing. Everybody has their own borders on that matter. What one person thinks a little untruth, another person might think a huge lie. "Protecting" somone by lying TO them, FOR them, or ABOUT them, is equally unbalanced; depends on the situation. If you brake your mom's vase, and you lie about it, thus trying to protect yourself from punishment, is foolish (they will notice sooner or later). Lying to a child about his father was a serial killer, and lying to everyone else too, to protect him could be considered a good feat. Protecting him from the truth, until he is mature enough to deal with it himself. As I said, depends on the stituation...
What about telling your friends partner that s/he is cheating?[/b]
On my opinion, it's not your problem. It's their problem, the couple should solve this on their own. When some of them confronts you about it, if you know something about the other....well, that's for you to decide what to do...
The Master of Light and Darkness

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