Thread: Fantasy General
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Old 08-09-2007, 10:45 PM   #124

basicall all you need is to start dosbox,

then type (always without the " of course):

"mount c c :/fg"
(this is for the case your fg-folder is on drive c, else type in every other path - this mounts the folder fg as if it would be drive "c" in dos)

and then

(to change to drive c (which is folder fg on c )

then type "FG"

(alternatively you may type "cd exe" and then "setsound" to start the setsound.exe - and set your sound.) - after that leave with "cd .." and type "FG")

in the dosbox.cof - file (you edit this file from XP (normal windows)) you can set the "sensitivity=100" to "sensitivity=200" in order to speed up the mouse.

as mentioned i still use FG in XP and it works good, so no real need for dosbox for this one though

but this is as i use it fortoher games. if its to slow you may try to increase the "cycles" (in dosbox.conf)

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