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Old 17-08-2007, 12:22 AM   #72

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(IzzA @ Aug 12 2007, 08:31 PM) [snapback]304340[/snapback]</div>
I've only seen one person claim to have beaten this game and I played it TONS when I was considerably younger (i.e. when it came out). I was wondering if anyone else has beat it? I know I haven't and I have logged a ton of hours into it... I made it to the 2nd floor basement as I recall... but then again that was '94. I can't wait to try again
I too played this game extensively for a year following its initial release, during which time I managed to progress to the 3rd basement level and thus, (of course) the attic, the access to which is essential toward reaching the aforementioned basement area. Eventually, the diskettes malfunctioned, and only upon ordering another copy of the game upon ebay as of four years ago, did I finally manage to beat it, albeit with a small amount of assistance from the online walkthrough (although I had already managed to solve all but two of the game’s critical puzzles, beforehand)

Without giving away too much, I’ll simply say that the final showdown and ending cinematic which follows are both quite satisfying.

Overall, I enjoyed the storyline pretty well. Although the gist becomes readily apparent within a short time, the various details which are fleshed out at varying intervals throughout the game felt particularly intruiging.

Without resorting to major spoilers, a couple of tips I’d recommend are as follows:

1. Pay special attention to the journal entries of Ellen Prentiss (the messages written in blood), for they contain critical clues toward solving some of the most significant puzzles in the game.

2. Fire extinguishers are especially effective against Fire Spawns (those orange glowing blobs on the third floor)

3. Leave the lurkers alone and they’ll leave you alone, although you’ve probably already figured that one out. Just in case, each level contains a single lurker, which itself resembles a green floating creature with numerous eyes, circular teeth, and furthermore seems well-versed at every single magic spell in the book. However, these creatures will only react if attacked by your character beforehand, and otherwise will passively float on by without a second thought.

Hope you make it. Good luck!

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