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Old 22-05-2007, 07:24 PM   #1
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Ranelagh, Ireland
Posts: 1,577

Hello everyone. Considering an outage of two days can be considered borderline catastrophic, I decided I had the responsibility to apologize. However, the damage has been done so there is no need to over analyse whose fault it was and what went wrong. It was hosting issues, as usual.

However, there is a brighter side to this post as well, so I will consider this incident a last bump in the road before some cool new things happen. Firstly, by the end of the week the page should reside on new servers. There has been talks about this happening for a while now, but this time its for real. I will be working on it and supervising it personally. The page will be transferred to a cluster of 5 load balanced servers and the increase in speed should be noticeable immediately. The work on this will start tomorrow and will take several days I presume.

Once that is done, there's more exciting things ahead. The page has been the way it is for a while now and it needs a kick in the behind. We require new features, a fresh design and so on. Thankfully, this is something that has been worked on relatively intensively as well for the past 6 months or so. Starting next week I will be working for nearly two months exclusively on this. Entire website will be transfered to Drupal framework and several dozen modules will be custom made for this purpose. Many cool things will be implemented such as a point system for contributions, game browser, tagging, profiles, new RSS feeds, company profiles, a revamped mailing list, better localization options etc etc etc. The list goes on I'm hoping it will all be ready by the end of the summer. So, bear with the site in its current state for a little more while and hopefully faster and more exciting times are just around the corner! I will be making posts about the progress made so far here, so be on a lookout for that!

That's all for now! If you have any comments, or suggestions as to what YOU think the site needs most let me know and I might include it into the feature list

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