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Old 08-02-2007, 10:36 PM   #1
Treasure hunter
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Diktel Bazar, Nepal
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Just watched a movie, and such as often after watching a good movie, I got a simple but catching idea.
The idea is as follows - not the world is real, but your perception is real. Imagine, for example, if you see something and it is very much active and real for you, but nobody else can see it and they tell you that you just imagine things or are tired and are hallucinating.
Who would be right there, they who didn't see what you saw or you who observed what you observed? Would their word count more as they didn't see anything while you did, or would only your own perception matter and the others word doesn't count as they maybe simply couldn't see what you saw?

Another example, maybe easier to understand. Imagine you're lying in a clinical death while others are trying to reanimate you. While all apparats and devices show that you are dead and don't detect even slightest activity in you, you see many things and are participating in something that's virtually impossible to be as your body lies there, dead. When you're reanimated (let's hope you are :P) you tell the others what you did, but they don't believe you as their reality was just your dead body they were trying to breathe life into.
Would it be them who're right, and there was nothing happening, all was just some chemical process of your brain while in this state and meant nothing, or have you indeed been somewhere else while dead and everything you perceived was very real because you know what you saw? Whose "reality" would be "real" in such a case, and is there such a thing as one reality for all or does the actual reality differ for everyone?

How do you think about it?
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