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Old 05-09-2006, 10:53 AM   #4
Abandonia nerd

Join Date: Sep 2006
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Posts: 81

Considering the fact that I don't have any consoles and never had (I dislike them for a specific reasons) here is the list of my favourite games, all of which are PC:

1. Unreal
You might ask "what's so special about it? just another fps". Well, that is true, it is fps but not "just another one", for it was a turning point in my understanding of games in general, specifically the visual part. There aren't many good sci-fi games around, but Unreal stands high and shows how really beautiful alien worlds can be, and when you came out of Vortex Rikers debris you just starting to realise that. Unlike player I would not leave the planet. So I did not and started learning UnrealEd, the map editor for Unreal. :-)

2. Dune 2
What much to say about it other than it's here and that IS a history. Ordos 4tw...

3. Albion
A little german-based development team makes a game people barely know of, but I simply love it. Another good example of well-made sci-fi game with a great story. Someone should make a modern remake (assuming the one done right, not "just a remake").

4. Descent
First real 3D FPS. Other than that it was first to deliver 3dof. I hated those mazes, I hated those robots, I hated it so much that I started to love it more than any other FPS game! Quite an unusual experience, never in my life I had a game which I started to like after so much hate. Now I play it sometimes, it's always fun, straight-forward and very addictive.

5. Planescape: Torment
Some spent all to become immortal. Here is the chance to be one, turns out it is extremely boring to be immortal. PS:T is a great game with a great story. Dark and eerie, yet sometimes feels so home, a strange game but a brilliant one nonetheless.

6. Duke Nukem 3D
Aahh, here is something that everyone knows. No need explanation for this title. Execpt that I have to mention that I spent more hours in it's map editor (BUILD) than any other games combined. Incredible, eh?

That's just 6... 6 most important games to me. Others have great value to me too but they're just not on the top of my mountain, so that's it.

p.s. Freespace 2 should have special mention. Sathanas coming out of subspace just in front of you in the nebula... that's something you will not forget.

p.p.s. I had ZX spectrum as well, but it's hard to remember certain game there, many were cool but so many years passed... saboteur perhaps, r-type (yea, it was on zx too), survivor, rex 1/2 (awesome game, platformer but very detailed) just to name a few...
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