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Old 20-11-2005, 10:49 PM   #5
10 GOSUB Abandonia
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Blood-Pigggy's Avatar

Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Wilmington, United States
Posts: 2,660

Beef's first post

hmm. i have original copies of the manuals for NetStorm, Jazz Jackrabbit 2 and probably those for Civ 1/2, GTA and maybe Colonization. all but one of them are at my parents' house though, so it might be a while before i have chance to scan any of them (plus i'll have to remember...) but i'll give it a try. I also had a CD at one time with a few things on it including Populous and Space Hulk, which may or may not have had manuals on it. Ah, just found that CD next to my PC - it features Yeager's Air Combat, Space Hulk, Hong Kong Mah-Jong Pro, Wing Commander Academy, The Savage Empire, Seven Cities of Gold, Populous II, Ultima VII, Shadow Caster and UU, but no manuals as far as I can see sad.gif

BTW if any of these EA games are now abandonware and not already featured (at least 3 of them are good...), let me know if I can do anything to help you get hold of them!

/resists temptation to install Populous II for fear of not doing any uni work for a month...
Jesus, I can see the MASSIVE improvement you went through when it comes to your speech online.
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