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Old 21-10-2005, 04:54 PM   #34
NOD Commander
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Palermo, Argentina
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I recall that if you should your destroy own full harvester you get enoguh spice to fill 5 harvesters.
I didnīt know that it was so spice, anyway in the last level i was beging for the end of the spice.

If not little more than that. As far as I remember, I noticed that enemy still gets little amounts of credits from time to time when they have no spice to harvest anymore.
Anyway thay are no more a treat when spice is over, only send cheaps units that are destroyed before get in range for attack

i find the Fremen quite usefull. why? well they attack from behind in black territory and if the enemy wants to defend it has to send some vehicles towards them.

This means their defences weaken in the front area (i.e. lower firepower) - and thats when sonic tanks come into play. by the time they are done wiht freemen you probabyl wipe out much of their defences so all you need to do is take care of remaining ones. not to mention that computer always repairs his buildings up to full = damage done by fremen costs them money. they can do quite a lof of damage until the vehicle arrives to destroy them.
Just a tank or a harvaster can end with the fremen menace and the enemy always got defence in the sides and back. They donīt send replacements or reinforcements. Anyway the back is less guarded but i prefer to attack it myself and no with fremens, i donīt make front attcks normaly. Fremen are usefull but i prefer a saboteur that can blow a builing if backuped or the hand of the death.
2nd placed of 1st Ufo2000 Tournament!
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