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Old 09-10-2005, 09:39 PM   #5

Originally posted by rallier@Oct 9 2005, 07:38 PM
I tend to agree.... though if u are a first time player of tex murphy don't just quit, it's a great game and that oracle shouldn't affect the gameplay in any way. I played that game and it is very nice as well as all the other games of tex.
Just one question i tried to play overseer (tex murphy 5) and couldn't run it on XP does anybody knows what to do?
It's a bitch to get running that's for sure - I have the DVD version and the CD version. The DVD version is hopelessly outdated, still relying on actual hardware decoding by your DVD drive (which only the first DVD drives had because graphic cards weren't capable of realtime decoding yet at the time or didn't have it implemented yet). Basically, Overseer is a lost cause unless you have the CD version, which works fine after the patch I seem to recall.
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