Thread: A Little Rpg
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Old 11-09-2005, 10:36 AM   #32
10 GOSUB Abandonia
20 GOTO 10
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Originally posted by chickenman@Aug 27 2005, 04:23 PM
To play the game you will have to give your player commands like,

go north
eat cow
kill sheep

This will be a mix of adventure and RPG
That part was clear to me. Still I'm curious how your game is designed (NOT how it's coded). What classes are you using, how do they relate? And surely you're not planning to hardcode all the rooms? Your code gives no clue about this (there's not much there anyway).

You should look into XML! You could specify your rooms in a rather simple way:
<room type="normal" id="123">
 * <name>The Ultradark and dank Dungeon</name>
 * <exit>
 * * * <dir>North</dir>
 * * * <desc>The sturdy wooden door</desc>
 * </exit>
 * * *<exit>
 * * * <dir>West</dir>
 * * * <desc>A chain hanging from the ceiling</desc>
 * </exit>
 * <desc>The walls in this dark and dank dungeon are covered in what seem to be
 * * * * * * *troll excrements. Some are still warm and extremely smelly. Bit of toilet
 * * * * * * *paper can be seen between the goo. </desc>
</room> *
Something like this. Off course, i'd give some more thought to a reallly decent DTD You can use any XML-lib for C++ (I'm into Java myself, so I don't know any...).
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