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Old 17-08-2005, 03:48 PM   #5

I played NA back in the 80's and was successful once (ONCE!) at beating the game on its hardest difficulty level (level 5 i believe). I had to use all 8 players dyamo's (sp), seven of which were down in the bottom left of the map on the island of #'s 44 thru 50 and the one just north on the mainland.......#39 i believe. Anyway I combined all of them under one rule by attacking with one soldier and taking myself as ruler along in the battle. when all 8 were under one flag i moved all soldiers, money and food up to the 2 diyamo's that could be attacked and HUNG ON LOL. I had to save the game a few hundred times but the AI was so aggressive and the %'s were so stacked against me that this way was the only way on level 5. LOVE the AI, storyline, dynamics, other words its a killer game, too bad they dont make em like this anymore.

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