Thread: Myst And Uru
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Old 21-05-2005, 09:32 PM   #4
Home Sweet Abandonia

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I don't know what the fans prefer, I like all the games because they are so pretty but I enjoyed playing Myst III and IV more than Uru simply because Uru was simply so... lifeless (in the other Myst games you could at least interact with some animals)

The feeling I got in uru was simply... unsettling, in Myst you know you'll be alone most of the time, but in Uru you see offices of archeologists, you find journals, security cones and at one point you even hear sound of people sitting in a bar talking and laughing... but you don't see anybody (I think you see a total of two characters in the game, 3 if you count yourself) This didn't blend in well with the setting.

I believe the next Myst game (Myst V), which will also be the last Myst game, will be in 3D like Uru.
pat b
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