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Halloween Jack 01-08-2018 11:09 AM

RPG from the 90s
Hi folks,

This has been bugging me for years and I've just come across this site :) Maybe someone recognises it...?

Not sure on date but must have been 90s. It was a team with different classes kinda thing. I think post apocalyptic and a mixture of magic and technology.

You moved freely on a larger map but entered a close up are view for tactical turn based combat, based on Action points.

There had been a plague which made people crazy. In one chapter you give a written pass (or something) to a guard to progress, but he sees it as something else and you realise he has the plague. I remember this being quite a chilling moment.

There was a puzzle involving levers under the words 'What', 'am', 'I' that are written in alcoves. The answer was 'I am what I am'

In the end (Spoilers!!!) you fight a weird baby entity in a floating chair.

Any ideas?

Capo 01-08-2018 11:46 PM

"mixture of magic and technology."

looks like a steampunk game

try to check this list:

Smiling Spectre 10-08-2018 11:53 PM

It's not steampunk, if it's apocalyptic. On the other hand, apocalyptic usually means no-magic (replacing it with magic-equivalent - psyonics, computer manipulation, matter transformations, etc).

Anyway, description sounds vaguely familiar... But no, I cannot remember. Can you describe more? How game is played - top down, isometric, side, first person? What battles looks like - FF-style "standing parties hit each other", or involving battlefield with free movement? What is it _outside_ of battle - movement only, quests, world?..

Scatty 13-08-2018 10:42 AM

Just a shot into the blue, could that be Superhero League of Hoboken? It kinda has post-apocalyptic elements, and some of the description sound a bit like it.
Download on Abandonia
Lots more screenshots on My Abandonware

Smiling Spectre 14-08-2018 06:45 PM

There is humorous game, so nothing chilling in it, so I didn't even consider it. But thank you for bringing this into attention - I even didn't think about party-first person view.

Still cannot remember anything like this. %)

Smiling Spectre 18-08-2018 12:11 AM

Accidentally stumbled on game that buzzed in my mind.

Dark Earth!

Post-apocalyptic, magic and disease. I didn't play it much, so I didn't see described scenes, but I knew that I _seen_ something like that!

Palocles 25-08-2018 11:10 PM

OP said “You moved freely on a larger map but entered a close up are view for tactical turn based combat, based on Action points.”

So I don’t think Dark Earth is the one. Sounds more like a FF style movement then transition for fights but I get the feeling the combat has its own little tactical map, rather than static characters making attacks on a timer.

A lot of similarities to Bad Blood but too many differences.

Sounds like something I’d like to play, or see at least.

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