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Machiavelli 17-06-2008 02:53 AM

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Machiavelli 17-06-2008 02:57 AM


Sorry for double posts, thought I could edit original. I'll also have to say that the bottom part of the screen, about 2-3 inches is black and I can't get to it with my mouse.

Machiavelli 17-06-2008 03:00 AM


Machiavelli 17-06-2008 03:19 AM

Doesn't look like I know how to post good SS...

But anyway, I'll try to describe what it looks like. Basically, Sophia's face is a single blue dot, for her eye. IDK, Last Crusade looked better. Like I said, I can't really remember how it "used" to look.

Thanks for everyone's help. I'll probably be posting more about other games soon enough.

Scatty 17-06-2008 05:10 AM

Maybe this will help. Open the file dosbox.conf with Notepad, under [render] change the aspect=false to aspect=true.
That will stretch the resolution to it's original size, if your graphics card supports it.

Machiavelli 17-06-2008 06:03 AM

Well the aspect=true really messed it up. I went through the scale variables though and found some different looks, none all that much better though.

I can't imagine that my current card wouldn't be able to render the game nice, but maybe there is just some oddity because the game is so old.

I'll just play it through the way it is and see if other games look bad. I know Kyrandia looked pretty good, so I'll be back for that one, I'm sure.

Scatty 17-06-2008 07:53 AM

Well, if you use the abovementioned hint again and additionally also set output=surface to output=ddraw under [sdl], that should fix the messed up graphics.

The Fifth Horseman 17-06-2008 09:00 AM


I can't imagine that my current card wouldn't be able to render the game nice, but maybe there is just some oddity because the game is so old.
It doesn't work this way. DOSBox only uses your graphics card to output the final image, not for all graphics.

The screenshots you've posted look pretty normal for this particular game to me (and Last Crusade didn't look better - run it and see for yourself)

Anyhow, try these settings:


Machiavelli 18-06-2008 12:36 AM

Horseman, that got the screen to be the right size, thanks, but the hq makes the colors look like oil paints. normal, 2x, and 3x look better.

Is it best to keep these settings for all my games? I plan on playing Kyrandia, King's Quest, and, of course, Monkey Island.

Scatty 18-06-2008 06:51 AM

I usually use the default normal2x, and that's enough for all games I play. Dunno what the others are there for, they're, as you said, looking like oil paint and not really improving the graphics.

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