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Topic Review (Newest First)
10-05-2021 07:08 PM
Smiling Spectre You had wrong DOSBox. Try ECE.
07-05-2021 03:23 PM
Dosh They are .IMA images. Unfortunately DOSBox doesn't allow switching these on the fly, so I had to do a small workaround to install the game.
07-05-2021 02:25 PM
MuzzyF8 Looking on something that I don't even know is tempting.

BTW what format are theese floppy images?
07-05-2021 09:13 AM
Dosh I return, and not empty handed!

I contacted the developer himself who kindly provided the images of the installation floppies. Turns out the e-mail addresses on their site I thought was abandoned are still in use.
25-02-2020 08:28 PM
marko river That mens: in case you do find it, please come back and provide it here, so we can uplaod it. Rare dogs should be preserved
16-02-2020 03:16 PM
Dosh Thanks, I appreciate checking. It is as I thought, I'm afraid the game won't be easy to find.
16-02-2020 02:57 PM
MuzzyF8 OK... made some searches and... I can confirm game was released to PC DOS (found some offers in old polish game magazines).

Still it seems that in the era when everyone was copying games from friends instead of buying originals (it was the time when there was no shops with original games) it was not as popular as mentioned Electrobody or Robbo which can be easily found in the internet. (Damn... I found even Saper for DOS )

So it will be very hard to find it I guess...
15-02-2020 01:05 PM
MuzzyF8 I didn't know anything about this game and I am old enough to remember DOS polish games.

First look on C64 version reminded me ElectroBody/ElectroMan but then you shared the box from PC version and it's not the same for sure.

I will try my best for searching it in the deeper places of internet and give you some reply tomorrow.
15-02-2020 10:02 AM
Slater Man (DOS)

Hi everyone. I tried looking for this game myself a few times and each was fruitless, so hopefully this time will work.

I am 100% sure the game is not sold anywhere, and I couldn't even find a download for it. Almost everything about this game leads to the Commodore 64 game, which is significantly different from the DOS version. Someone on Moby Games even thought the game was never released on DOS; screenshots included in the promo art do match with what I remember from the game.

I doubt the game was released abroad, so I hope somebody in Poland managed to save their own copy.

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