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Thread: Hyper 3D Pinball won't "install" or run Reply to Thread
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10-05-2017 09:35 PM
Smiling Spectre Checked. Ah, great. It's a dirty rip, without lots of everything, cracked and assuming that game is in d:/3dp. (ANd maybe it expect to be CD too).

Anyway, doesn't work for me even in that case.

Recommendations: kill it with fire and found normal, full CD-version. (see PM

Ah, wait, you are not registered, so no any PMs. :|

Anyway, you need ISO, and it googled easily. Checked it, worked flawless on the DOSBox 0.74.
08-05-2017 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by Smiling Spectre View Post
It cannot be the reason. DOSBox is emulator - it doesn't use video (or anything) "as is", but emulate VGA or something. Well, theoretically speaking, it can be non-compatible with your video drivers (even if I never heard of it), but in this case DOSBox itself wouldn't work, not game.

So there could be 3 reasons.

1. Something wrong with the game itself. Did you try to re-download it?

2. Something wrong with the game settings. Try to change it, if you can.

3. Something wrong with the DOSBox settings. Check .conf file with text editor, and pay attention to "machine=" setting. It must be one of SVGA modes (svga_s3 is most compatible, and default, I believe).

If nothing will work for you, I'll check the game myself. At home.
1. Yes, redownloaded it. No dice.

2. Tried every game setting, no luck (the sound and video applications work, but the game istelf doesn't).

3. DOSBox is set to svga_s3. It also has no problems playing any other games.

It's just not working. Exits out with no error when executing the command. It's genuinely trying to start but fails. Tried everything I can think of.
05-05-2017 07:14 AM
Smiling Spectre It cannot be the reason. DOSBox is emulator - it doesn't use video (or anything) "as is", but emulate VGA or something. Well, theoretically speaking, it can be non-compatible with your video drivers (even if I never heard of it), but in this case DOSBox itself wouldn't work, not game.

So there could be 3 reasons.

1. Something wrong with the game itself. Did you try to re-download it?

2. Something wrong with the game settings. Try to change it, if you can.

3. Something wrong with the DOSBox settings. Check .conf file with text editor, and pay attention to "machine=" setting. It must be one of SVGA modes (svga_s3 is most compatible, and default, I believe).

If nothing will work for you, I'll check the game myself. At home.
05-05-2017 07:14 AM
Smiling Spectre It cannot be the reason. DOSBox is emulator - it doesn't use video (or anything) "as is", but emulate VGA or something.

So there could be 3 reasons.

1. Something wrong with the game itself. Did you try to re-download it?

2. Something wrong with the game settings. Try to change it, if you can.

3. Something wrong with the DOSBox settings. Check .conf file with text editor, and pay attention to "machine=" setting. It must be one of SVGA modes (svga_s3 is most compatible, and default, I believe).

If nothing will work for you, I'll check the game myself. At home.
05-05-2017 06:27 AM
Originally Posted by Smiling Spectre View Post
Wrong answer.

This game is DOS. So no use to try to start it under modern Windows.

Use DOSBox, as described above, and everything will be fine.
Sorry mate, I should have been more specific. I *AM* using DOSBox.

I've got to the point where if I execute the command, the game will try to start - that is, the screen res changes, but then it immediately exits. I'm suspecting it just can't recognise my modern GeForce card and can't set a video mode properly.
28-04-2017 12:29 PM
Smiling Spectre
Originally Posted by IAmAGuest View Post
I've got to the point where Hyper 3D Pinball at least TRIES to run - that is, it actually seems like it starts, but then immediately exits with no error. I suspect it can't initialise the video mode and my modern Geforce 960 card does not support the mode the game is trying to use.
Wrong answer.

This game is DOS. So no use to try to start it under modern Windows.

Use DOSBox, as described above, and everything will be fine.
28-04-2017 07:00 AM
Running Hyper 3D Pinball

Sorry to resurrect this thread, but I have a questions of my own.

I've got to the point where Hyper 3D Pinball at least TRIES to run - that is, it actually seems like it starts, but then immediately exits with no error. I suspect it can't initialise the video mode and my modern Geforce 960 card does not support the mode the game is trying to use. I've tried a number of combinations in the uvconfig.exe file but haven't found anything that works.

Are there any solutions for this, or do I just need to accept that this is a game that just won't run on my hardware?
14-03-2014 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by Smiling Spectre View Post
Was it version from link that I gave you?

Actually, you need only two things with it: extract game into hpinball dir, and mount dir from one level above (i.e. dir "hpinball" must exist on virtual C". After that running 3dpinball.bat worked just fine for me. But let me try to reproduce...

...Aha, I see the problem now.

See, command line parameter to runcd is game dir. If dir is wrong - game will not work. In your case you installed game into PIN dir, but trying to start it from hpinball dir. Either change "..\hpinball" string to "..\pin" in the bat-file, or rename "PIN" to expected "HPINBALL".
I renamed the directory and it worked! Thanks!
14-03-2014 08:40 PM
Smiling Spectre Was it version from link that I gave you?

Actually, you need only two things with it: extract game into hpinball dir, and mount dir from one level above (i.e. dir "hpinball" must exist on virtual C". After that running 3dpinball.bat worked just fine for me. But let me try to reproduce...

...Aha, I see the problem now.

See, command line parameter to runcd is game dir. If dir is wrong - game will not work. In your case you installed game into PIN dir, but trying to start it from hpinball dir. Either change "..\hpinball" string to "..\pin" in the bat-file, or rename "PIN" to expected "HPINBALL".
14-03-2014 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by Smiling Spectre View Post
Umm... Sorry, pollyisagoodbird this is exactly what I wanted to say. "Did you tried pure DOSBox, without frontends".

But yes, game looks heavy broken for me, and I wasn't able even get your "no CD" message.

This version works quite good for me. Try it?
Okay, here's what I've done so far:
I downloaded the other version of Hyper 3D Pinball and extracted both of them into separate folders on my C drive. I then mounted the C drive and the directory where both folders are kept. I then did uvconfig.exe for the version of the game I downloaded today and it set DOSBox up. Then I input runcd.exe, and it prompts me to input 3DPINBALL. I do so, and it gives me an error message telling me that it could not install UNIVBE.exe. I get the same message with the version of the game I downloaded a few days ago.
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